Join me as I pick back up with my interview with Jessi. Last time we discussed her journey from dieting to Intuitive eating, and now we are going to dive into the bold and brave move she made in order to advocate for weight-inclusive care in her profession as a pharmacist.


More about Jessi:

Jessica Jones is a critical care clinical pharmacist specialist and preceptor in the Metro Detroit Area. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Mercer University in 2010 and completed 2 years of post-graduate residency training at the Detroit Medical Center. She is board certified in both critical care (BCCCP) and pharmacotherapy (BCPS).

Jessi is actively involved in numerous regional, state, and national professional organizations working to advance the profession of pharmacy.  She is a self-proclaimed introvert, book-lover, and loves to travel.  Her favorite travel destination is the French Riviera/Almalfi Coast.

Jessi is dedicated to continuously developing her own personal growth.  She started her intuitive eating journey in 2021, and is endeavoring to expand the principles she has learned into an “integrative living” approach to her life on the whole.



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