Instagram: thewayshamanism
Email: hello@thewayshamanism 

* The purpose of this podcast is to inform and not to diagnose, prevent or treat disease

Negative entity attachment sounds scary and quite sensational. In this episode, I explain how this works energetically as removing any energies, entities attachments, and blocks it is an essential component of Shamanic Journeying. 

Your energy field is your soul home. There should not be anyone or anything in your energy field that doesn’t belong there. You want to be getting your energy straight from The Source/The Divine. This is the connection we restore in your energy field in your Shamanic Journey.⠀ 

This episode explains how negative entities can attach to us energetically in the first place and why this happens. From my shamanistic experience and approach to Journeying, I share important approaches to healing entity attachment. Most importantly, I talk about how to protect yourself energetically to avoid these negative energetic attachments and energy siphoning. 

Often we will encounter entity attachment in the Journey. Some entities choose the service to self path over service to others and this corrupts their relationship with Source/the Divine. This means that these entities can no longer get their life energy from The Source, which is why they will latch onto others. 

Some entities come in through specific lower vibrational situations that cause infringement in your energy field, from trauma to sickness, drugs, or addiction. When entities attach to you they exacerbate the problem, because they live off of the energy that feeds it. ⠀ 

These entities are very easy to get rid of in a Shamanic Journey because they cannot coexist with the high frequency of the light of the Guides. This is why, after a Journey, clients will report the same exact words, that their trauma or addiction is ‘gone from the inside’.⠀