[email protected]
Instagram: Shaman Jessica⠀
* The purpose of this podcast is not to diagnose, treat or prevent disease⠀

In this episode I explain what it means to be in alignment with your higher self. I explain how your higher self aligns you with your desires and goals, through joy and happiness. I share tools for (re-)aligning with your higher self and explain what to do if you've fallen out of alignment. 

When you’re aligned with your higher self, you’re aligned with your desires.⠀The best indicator for your level of alignment is simple: your emotions. The happier you are, the more aligned you are. I explain how to work with your emotions to bring yourself into alignment with your higher self.

Being in alignment feels like happiness, living your purpose, constant synchronicities, seeing angel numbers, hearing a ringing in your ears, a strong intuition or inner knowing and the feeling like everything is aligning for you.⠀

In this episode I explain why being is alignment is not a passive state of bliss. Constantly re-aligning is an active undertaking that requires you to take the lead and take risks. Your inspired action will supported and rewarded by Source.⠀

I explain how Shamanic Journeys bring you straight into alignment with your higher self and your purpose and how Spirit gives you ways, personal to you, to keep re-aligning with your higher self.⠀