Spooky-tober continues with Andrew's dark take on Dan Wells' horror/thriller, "I Am Not A Serial Killer"! Venture deep into the mind of John Wayne Cleaver, an unassuming youth in small-town America who has a dark secret. He battles with urges to kill and a fascination with the morbid. He wants to stay strong, but will Mr. Monster get the better of him? Join us for this chilling tale.

Spooky-tober continues with Andrew's dark take on Dan Wells' horror/thriller, "I Am Not A Serial Killer"! Venture deep into the mind of John Wayne Cleaver, an unassuming youth in small-town America who has a dark secret. He battles with urges to kill and a fascination with the morbid. He wants to stay strong, but will Mr. Monster get the better of him? Join us for this chilling tale.

I Am Not A Serial Killer (John Cleaver)


By Dan Wells

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