a violation of equal protections some county officials say contacting voters before election day was not pre canvassing is no envelopes were opened and no decisions were made on whether ballots should or shouldn't be accepted the suit also questions accepting mail in ballot after election day claims observers and allegheny in philadelphia counties were kept too far from the count and questions why signatures weren't checked on mail in ballots the suit wants to prevent the secretary of state and the seven listed counties from certifying results of the general election at a suburban bureau jim award it what abul you news radio new reality life in a pandemic now on the latest from k. y. w. news radio with kobe case counts climbing in new jersey governor murphy has announced new restrictions including closing the indoor bars and restaurants at ten p. m. but is k. y. w. smite dinard over towards murphy says it's not a return to the lock down the state had back in the spring bars restaurants and banquet halls will have to end indoor dining by ten p. m. under governor murphy's latest executive order aimed at stemming the surge of covert cases in new jersey under the new rules the take affect thursday seating at indoor bars would also be prohibited the order affects food service at casinos as well the governor is also prohibiting elementary and high school athletes from traveling to other states for indoor competitions including hockey and basketball the governor has been saying it's not mrs