Previous Episode: 3AM EDT 11/06/2020 Newscast
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slam the door, what she usually does to me. i just wanted to try to reach out to her as a mom and set some things straight as far as typical teenage things or whatever and she didn't like what i had to say. i mean most kids don't. she didn't want to go in the store with me, which was fine. i mean she doesn't usually like to go in so... >> the type of emotional account that resonates with any parent. not knowing where your kids are is horrible because she didn't go anywhere without me taking her, so i always knew where she was. >> police launched a ground search of the area. but snow was slowing their efforts, especially for search helicopters. >> it is grounded due to the weather conditions. low ceiling in the shubie area. we have a little higher ceiling here, but unfortunately if they can't get off the ground, they can't make it here, so... >> with every passing hour, growing concern about karissas safety. finally the weather started to