EP 108:  Juicy Erotica Stories & Ethical Non-Monogamy with Angel Johnstone


In this episode we chat about exploring ethical non-monogamy, jealousy, growing your confidence, and owning who you are.


We also talk about exploring different types of relationships with a woman who has been in a polyamorous marriage & monogamous relationships and go over how to deal with jealousy in all types of relationships. 


Angel Johnstone, As a Sex, Money, & Confidence Coach, I empower women to have more confidence in the bedroom and beyond.  As an author of erotica, distributor of sex toys, and passionate lover in my own life, I know pleasure and how to center your life around what turns you on. Together we get clear on what you desire and create transformation that's juicy, exciting, and fun.


Confidence is a skill that you learn by getting to know yourself and owning who you are. During this transformative process, I will support you in exuding your power in all areas of your life.


Don’t forget to download your FREE Chapter of her Sexy Erotic book I read a clip of in the podcast -


Get access to your FREE erotic book

Ladies First: Six Short Erotic Stories for Women & Their Lovers





It's time to reclaim your power, own your desires, and tell your partner what you want with confidence. Get your free guide - Www.confidenceiscatchy.com


FREE Chapter former Erotica Book - Download here -




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  - contact me on Instagram for Speaking Opportunities and how to work with me or join my courses! 

Sexy Goddess Signature Course - bit.ly/sexygoddesscourse