Welcome to episode 355 of Sexology Podcast! Today I am delighted to be speaking with Matthias Rose. In this episode, we discuss ejaculatory control and its benefits, the challenges in redefining the concept of orgasm and the initial challenges people may face when learning ejaculatory control. 


Since 2012, Matthias Rose has been a prominent figure in neo-tantric sacred sexuality and classical tantric spirituality, serving as a teacher, guide, healer, and practitioner. His transformative journey with Tantra has taken him beyond traditional teachings, leading him to provide guidance primarily focused on relationships, sexuality, masculinity, and spirituality through a tantric lens. 


As a Relationship Coach, Matthias Rose collaborates with individuals seeking to revamp their relational lives, including finding new partners, healing existing relationships, or exploring fresh possibilities. His expertise spans ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, trust repair, deepening emotional and sexual intimacy, and aligning with one's authentic self while embracing masculine or feminine aspects. He draws wisdom from his life's experiences, marked by mistakes and personal growth, offering insights with a genuine presence and loving non-attachment, emphasizing the essence of loving with an open heart. 


In his role as a Sexuality Guide, Matthias Rose underscores the pivotal role of sexuality in personal development. He has gained expertise in various areas of human sexuality, attracting individuals seeking guidance in these specific realms. 


In this episode, you will hear: 


Understanding ejaculatory control and its benefits Separating ejaculation from orgasm is possible through techniques like Tantra Emotional connection and pleasure in cultivating non-ejaculatory orgasms How ejaculatory choice involves delaying or choosing whether to ejaculate The challenges in redefining the concept of orgasm How ejaculatory orgasms and non-ejaculatory orgasms are distinct experiences Evolving definition of masculinity and the value of open heartedness The initial challenges people may face when learning ejaculatory control Matthias’s personal journey and how he rediscovered this practice through Tantra 





Sexual Health Alliance Program 



Sexual Bucket List 



Podcast Produced by Pete Bailey - http://petebailey.net/audio

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