Sexologist Shamyra is back and she’s here to share her knowledge and thoughts on Cardi B’s WAP and so much more including:

Pick Me culture
What “Big D” really means
What we can learn from song lyrics
How music videos can motivate (or empower) us to be better & live better
Small penises
Sexual double standards
The orgasm gap
Sexuality & race
Sex work as real work!

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Check out the WAP music video below...

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

WAP: Wet AP & How To Be Your Best Sexual Self

00:00:05 - 00:05:28

You're listening to the sacs with Dr Jess podcast sacks and relationship advice you can use tonight. Hey Hey. This is just so Riley your friendly neighborhood sexologist here with another friendly neighborhood sexologist all the way from Baton Rouge Louisiana sexologist Shemaya, how you doing today power you good I'm a I'm following along with your adventures. You've been online on I g talking about all the hottest topics including the I. Don't know if we should say rap or WABC by the wet ask Pussy video and song by our Cardi B. Featuring Meghan the stallion and I see that you. You just put a video on your instagram and it's gaining a lot of traction. Let people know where to find you on instagram first and foremost because they should be following along. Yes. I'm on Instagram at sexologists shown Myra. Yeah. We're gonNA link to that. Now before we dive into this conversation, I wanNA, give a quick shout out to our sponsor. Let's get checked to dot com. So let's get checked offers at home health tests ranging from thyroid to iron to CEAC test lime disease tests, of course, ovarian reserve tests for tippety tests, and all that jazz they send you the test you send them a sample and you get your results confidentially on line. Are you familiar with them Chamara? I'm not I am not I was thinking that it would be good for people who are maybe a little bit more remote you know to test for anything like from from Cortisol, to all the various sexual health tests. So that's, let's get checked dot com. If you go there folks please use code Dr Gesture to save a few dollars and let them know that you heard about it here. So Chamara, let's let's talk. Cardi. B.'s or you Cardi B. Fan. So I think everyone face. So when she came when she first I'll tell you what my husband. Really Loves Cardi B. Like he loves Cardi B.'s music. So she first came out I really enjoyed her her debut album. And in terms of this W. A. P. Video. So folks if you haven't heard the song, we'll play a little clip for you. But. Also, if you haven't seen the video, you have to go watch the video. Now there's a censored version and an uncensored version definitely watch the uncensored version. So, what do you think about the video the lyrics all all the fun stuff. Oh I think so much about it, I right so I. Listen to it about seventy two times. Just to make sure it was actually when I was hearing. So I actually heard the lyrics in saw the video at the same time. So of course, I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw that Cardi B. posted graphic with she and Megan the stallion who's als...

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