We’ve compiled some of your questions for Brandon and he weighs in sharing his personal experiences in response to the following:

You’ve opened up about some heavy feelings on the podcast and talked about the benefits of being more vulnerable. How can I get my boyfriend to open up and be more vulnerable?
My husband is often too tired for sex. When we have it, he’s full of energy, but I feel like he says no at least 50% of the time. Should I be worried?
Last week, you said you have no game and that you would never have gotten together with Jess if it had been up to you. I don’t want to let my moment pass me by, so how do I work on my game and my confidence. You’ve also talked about how your confidence has increased over time, so any tips would help.
My GF listens to your podcast and follows Dr. Jess. She wants to follow in her footsteps, but the idea of her talking about sex with strangers and travelling all around the world doesn’t feel great for me. I don’t want to hold her back. How do I get over it?
Can you explain why men want to have anal sex so badly? Like what’s the appeal?
You talked about a toy called the Pivot, but you didn’t describe what it feels like. Can you elaborate?
How curious are you about Jess’ past? I know you’ve been together a while, but lately I’m more curious about my wife’s past and specifically why she had one night stands. Should I be so curious or just get over it?










If you’ve got questions or topic suggestions for the podcast, submit them here. As well, you can now record your messages for us! Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with a built-in mic if possible.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

Brandon Answers Your Sex & Relationship Questions

00:00:05 - 00:05:02

You're listening to the sacs with Dr, Jess podcast sacks, and relationship advice you can use tonight. Hey Hey your friendly neighborhood sexologist here. Jessica. Riley. With my lovely other have brandon wear are looked locally. Feel so good you can. You can tell I was mocking you I know you were mocking me but I'm GonNa roll with it listen babe. This episode is all about you finally if it's the Brandon episode. Because nothing's ever about me. I'm just going to hand over the MIC to you go. I'm GONNA pull my candid Silence so I receive many questions for the podcast from listeners and many folks are curious about you brandon and what your perspective so I've been compiling some of the questions directed at you. He shaking his head through people don't want to know what's going on inside my mind. They do frightening in their people. Let me be clear I get questions for you. I, never get criticism level that you always at me. Here we go. This is your debut. Debut. Here we. So, let's dive right in. This person asks how curious are you about justice past I know you've been together a while but lately, I'm more curious about my wife's past and specifically why she had one night stands I don't care what the sex was like. I just WanNa know why she had them. Should I be so curious or just get over it. I am curious about your past only about your experiences I am not curious about how many partners. How good or bad it was I mean I'm open to listening but I I'm not really that interested. In it. It wasn't that interesting either was not well, it could have been listen I think when we first got together and I was a lot younger I was uncomfortable with the idea.