The brilliant Dr. Lexx Brown-James joins us to share their insights and answers your sex & relationship questions including:

How to deal with feelings of rejection.
What’s the real difference between truth and honesty.
What to do when you or your lover lose their erection.
Managing feelings related to weight gain and why more weight can mean more pleasure!
How to get over fears of initiating sex.
How to feel worthy of love, sex and pleasure without the pressure to “do more” in bed.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

Lingerie Humiliation, Sex Sans Erection & Sexual Worthiness

00:00:00 - 00:05:08

You're listening to the sex with dr. Jazz podcast sex and relationship advice you can you off tonight? Welcome to the sex with dr. Jazz podcast. I'm your co-host Brandon. We're here with my always thought the other half. Dr. Jess. How are you? Oh, wonderful. It's going to be 6 with Dr. Lex today. Oh mixing it up. Yeah, but it's not me playing a role. It's an actual other person doctor Lex the therapist and we're going to be answering some of your questions and I have to say we do receive so many questions and we fall behind and I always feel badly that we don't get to all of them Faithfully. We're going to power through a few today and I want to open with a question for Brandon. It's a nice short and sweet one that I received on Instagram before we dive off. In want to say thank you to our October sponsored Cleo Vana. You can learn more at Cleveland uses sound wave therapy to induce a number of biological responses, like cellular reaction and nerve stimulation and improve blood supply and improve nerve functioning and neovascularization. All of which are intended to lead to be improved orgasms. So check them out. And now let's dive into Brandon's thoughts on a short and sweet question. This person says, so I'm single and people say I should lower my standards. I think that is total BS. Do you agree with me or them while they really only gave me two choices there so I don't ever standard question because is it specific to me? Did you have to lower your standards for me? I don't know if I had standards when I was dating know honestly. I'm putting it back on you. I know when I am. No, no. No, I don't know that I had specific standards when we met I was young and I don't think I was specifically looking for a relationship or not looking for a relationship. I didn't grow up with much in mind in terms of you know, having a partner or not having a partner had like a boyfriend in high school that I we kind of just fell into it, but it was not one of those people that you know dreamed of my wedding or dreamed of a specific life. I didn't think that far ahead. So I don't think that I don't even want to say you met my standards or exit or you know, exceeded my expectations. I mean, you're you're fabulous. I don't want to I don't want to say I mean I'm going to save you right now, but by interjecting I blah blah, but I I mean on so many levels you say you you were you exceeded everything I could have possibly hoped for in a partner and I think the more I got The more I've gotten to know you over the last almost twenty years t...

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