How’s your penis doing? How’s your diet and how does it relate to the pleasure you experience? And how can you have better anal sex? Sexual Medicine fellow & LGBTQ advocate, Dr. Josh Gonzalez, MD, joins us to discuss arousal, orgasm, ejaculation, erection, pain and more. He shares his expertise and answers your questions including:

What’s the best diet for your penis?
How can you deal with painful ejaculation?
What is a muted orgasm?
How can you deal with delayed ejaculation?
What are excitatory neurotransmitters?
What is soft glans and what are your treatment options?
What is Peyronie’s and how can it be treated?
How do some antidepressants inhibit and help and harm sexual pleasure including orgasm and desire?

Follow Dr. Josh Gonzalez on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Check out his recent articles on the Astroglide blog here.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

All About Your Penis: Pleasure, Curves, Diet, Erection & More!

00:00:05 - 00:05:07

You're listening to the sacs with dr jess podcast sacks and relationship advice you can use tonight Welcome to the sex with dr podcast. I'm your co host brandon. Wear here with my lovely other. Half dr jess how you doing. I'm all right man. It's a weird week. We got the election results dragging out. We've got good weather here in toronto to the point that it almost felt normal yesterday to sit on patio and which is unusual to because we don't normally get t shirt weather in november now but i'll take it on. I guess i probably shouldn't if it's bad for the environment. But i did enjoy a moment of normalcy yesterday sitting on the patio. Feeling as though i don't know we weren't in the middle of covid for just a moment. Yeah felt really good. First time for me. About seven months where. I felt relaxed for a moment and i remember looking around and the sun was shut. Maybe everything was rosy. Because the sun was shining. I was into t-shirt the weather was comfortable. We were on a patio. Doing what we normally have have done in the past which we haven't been able to do you mean daydream. that too. yes yeah it's it's a strange time but it was nice to have that moment where you kinda forgot that the world is imploding. Your mixed me look very much look forward to the normal see that will once again be upon us. Yes the new normal before we dive into today's topic which is the pinas and sexual health and sexual medicine and managing sexual dysfunction with our guest. Dr joshua gonzalez. I wanna say thank you to cleveland for their ongoing support of this program. Folks be sure to check out. Cleo von dot com this is sound way of technology that enhances orgasms cellular level by treating the clitoris directly. And it's a totally noninvasive. No downtime no scalpels no needles. Nothing like that. So follow along at cleveland and check them out. At cleo von dot com now today we are going to be talking about iraq shins and ejaculation and delayed ejaculation and muted orgasm. And all of that. Fun stuff centering on the penis. So how's your penis doing today filming. Thank you for asking. What do you think about your penis. Much i don't normally think of my penis much ado at least one of us guys. I tend to over.

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