After 46 years of writing about sexuality and the more than 12,000 sex questions answered, Michael Castleman is well positioned to weigh in on all things sex. He joins us to discuss his experience as the world’s most popular sex writer and together we address a buffet of questions including:

What is sex like in your 70s?
Why is full body pleasure so important?
What were Brandon’s early sexual experiences?
How can we master ejaculatory control and deal with premature ejaculation?
What really makes a penis better in bed?
What myths are destroying sex for men?
What are the most common questions men (Playboy readers) had in the 90s?
How do you spread arousal from head to toe?
How do you replace genital focus with playfulness?
What is sensate focus?
How to get over penis preoccupation?
Is sex addiction an industry or a diagnosis?

Check out Castleman’s upcoming book, Sizzling Sex for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Maximize Erotic Pleasure at Any Age. Follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.


EPISODE 192: Former Playboy Advisor Weighs in on Full-Body Pleasure


You're listening to the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast. Sex and relationship advice you can use tonight.

Brandon (00:18):

Welcome to the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast, I'm your co host Brandon Ware here with my lovely other half, Dr. Jess.

Dr. Jess (0:25):

Hey hey, we're coming at you today from Jamaica. We’re still isolated in Negril. I think we're going on around thirteen days. And we've been asked to isolate for fourteen. And we're going to be I guess seeing my family in a couple of days, which is making me a little bit nervous. Obviously I'm super excited to see them. Especially my cousin Annabella, but it's an interesting time of course to see people or bubble with people. And I know babe you're not feeling one hundred percent, like actually bubbling with the family and, there’s only five of them. I mean there are hundreds of them down here but five that we’ll be staying on property with. Not in the same house but on their property.

Brandon (01:16):

And it's not that I'm not excited to see them. But I think our opinions of distance and safety are a little bit different. And let me be clear. I'm excited to see your family too. I'm excited to see your family at a distance, or with a mask on or outside.

Dr. Jess (01:35):

Well Jamaica makes it easy obviously to be outside, which cuts our risk. And I thought I'd this up, because I think it's something that we don't fully agree on. And I also don't think it's something that we’re necessarily going to meet in the middle on. So I'm of the mindset that I'm pretty comfortable seeing my family outside, even sitting at a dinner table outside. And that could change, I think that's the thing with comfort levels. You know, if I see something happening with other people in the picture, and it makes me uncomfortable, maybe my perspective shifts. But oftentimes relationships, we think about, “Oh how do you meet in the middle?” And I'm thinking that anything I do, you’re essentially doing. So let's say you decide to always stay six feet apart,

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