In this episode, we chat about our own issues with food as a couple — fights from our past, lessons we’ve learned, and the ways in which individual and cultural differences influence our expectations. We also answer some listener questions including:

How do I get over feelings of worthlessness related to my partner not having an orgasm?
How do I get more comfortable with masturbation?
How can I learn to orgasm without a toy?
Is it normal to not enjoy clitoral stimulation?
What is mindful masturbation?

If you’ve got questions for the podcast, please send them our way! And feel free to share your food fight (or harmony) stories as well.




If you’ve got questions or topic suggestions for the podcast, submit them here. As well, you can now record your messages for us! Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with a built-in mic if possible.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

Food Fights, Orgasms & Mindful Masturbation

00:00:05 - 00:05:05

You're listening to the sacs with dr jess podcast sacks and relationship advice you can use tonight Welcome to the sex with dr jazz. Podcast i'm your co host brandon. Where here with my lovely other. Half dr jess hey. Hey i'm feeling. I'm feeling excited today. Exceptionally excited because this is first podcasts. Since we moved down to jamaica temporarily permanently not forever and ever but for a while and it was. it was an ordeal. the build up was very nerve wracking. Because i don't know there was just a lot to wrap up in toronto but excited to be down here we are. I guess what you'd call isolating. We're not forced to stay in our hotel room. But we're not seeing anybody else for fourteen days and then we're going to move over to the north north east coast north kind of in the middle of the island on the north coast to iraq abassah to be with my family. Which will be interesting. Because oh my gosh. I miss them so much. But also i definitely think. Brandon has a different expectations of distancing than than maybe other people. You err on the side of caution distancing distancing. i mean. we've been told in canada to keep our distance. Wear a mask if you're inside and to limit your your group your your circle your bubble in canada now. So i think that to say distancing as distancing. It's definitely different wherever you are. You know we have folks who are listening in the states and even across the states. The standards are different. I'm not saying that you know i get that. They're saying six feet masks limit indoor exposure but people's notion of bubble so i don't know if they're using the language of bubble everywhere but in ontario. They're talking about the size of your bubble on how how big it's allowed to be in. It depends on the area that you're in so certainly i think it's a challenge and we have to learn from a relationship perspective to communicate our needs and our own boundaries. I think people who are not receiving hugs and physical affection from me when it's safe to do so and with your consent. I will be hugging the crap out of everybody. So perhaps joy this period right now where. I'm not hugging you. And i'm a little more comfortable with hugs with some people. It was my mom seventieth birthday yesterday so before we left we saw her. And i mean. I'm not gonna lie. I gave her a hug. We were wearing masks. But i gave you give her a hug to give her a hug but again it was one of the few that i have given out over the last ten months. So you can imagine.