Have you guys seen the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”? He was born an old man and near his death, he ages into a newborn? Well, it’s kinda how we have been feeling with the Lifestyle lately – and we wanted to share why! Ever since this whole pandemic started, we have had the feeling that we were missing something in our relationship - and we were - it was the non-monogamy! Unlike most couples that find the Lifestyle later after establishing a bond, we have never been without it in our relationship. This has brought an interesting perspective to romance and the Lifestyle as we know it. In this episode, we dive into what is coming up for us in our relationship WITHOUT non monogamy. A lot has surfaced regarding our mental health, and we want to share how we are navigating things like depression and anxiety while attempting to find creative ways to replace what non monogamy brought to our partnership. It hasn’t been easy, and we are certain a lot of couples are facing similar challenges in their relationships – we want you to know, you are not alone! Tune in today!

WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/oR4J6tfkm9o

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About The SU Show: Are you curious to know what a consensual non monogamous relationship looks like? Did you know more people are discovering these types of relationships everyday? Interested to know if it’s for you?

The Sex Uninterrupted Show with Taara and James brings this topic to the forefront of the conversation as they open up and share what alternative love looks like for them. Join this young, funny, sexy couple as they share what they know, interview awesome guests and bring a fresh perspective to relationships, sex and dating. Learn more, get support and have fun as you discover the concept of relationship by design. Tune in to live to Sex Uninterrupted every second Wednesday on YouTube or any podacasting platform!

GET SUPPORT: www.sexuninterrupted.com/coaching

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