Breakups and shakeups are not immune to non-monogamy and many times it is something we are faced with in our relationship(s) or within the community we are involved in. It can be a very emotional time for couples, singles and friends and in some cases, sex is (or was) in the picture which can heighten emotions even more. This week we ask Kristen the Independent Unicorn to join us as we discuss experiencing breakups and shakeups in the non monogamy world. She shares what her breakup in the Lifestyle was like and how she maneuvered the events that happened afterwards; together we share advice for couples and friends of couples who are experiencing a breakup and what building a support system can look like. We also discuss common shakeups couples (and singles) may encounter in non monogamy and offer some guidance in working through them. Lastly, we wrap up with answering our Instagram follower questions surrounding the topic.

Guest Info: Kristen Bell is an eccentric unicorn who helps educate life-stylers to embrace their spirituality and sexuality so that they can experience inner harmony and become more accepting of themselves and others. She is an emerging voice on Sex Uninterrupted’s Patreon website and has written advice for couples in the lifestyle. She currently holds a yin yoga training certification and is working towards being certified in restorative yoga and tantra. Kristen believes deeply in the mantra that leadership is a behavior not a title. She has demonstrated this through 15 years of both monogamy and consensual non-monogamy relationships. This is exemplified in the non-judgmental relationships that she holds with multiple partners. You will love Kristen! She is the down-to-business office girl by day, up-to-trouble freak by night.

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