Whenever the topic of single males comes up in the Lifestyle, there always seems to be questions and too some degree, interest! The thought of having another man join is alluring to many but sometimes, this type of play partner can be one of the most difficult to find in the Lifestyle community. Many clubs and events are not open to single males and searching online has its’ challenges. Being a single male isn’t exactly easy to navigate either. Some couples want hot wife play, some want cuckholding and some get upset if you think that’s what they want! So think week we are covering the topics of single males, hot wifing and cuckholding with our friend who has some insight into all three! Learn more as a couple or a single and discover why you may want to give this a try!

About Our Guest:
Our guest today is Jonathan, a 36 year old manicorn coming straight out of Alberta Canada. He's been active in the lifestyle both with partners as a swinger and now more recently as an explorer of the poly side of things.

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