There have been some recent articles saying that only 20% of women are capable of having orgasms from penis in vagina sex. Devi Ward and Jennifer Elizabeth Masters call b******* on this! Join them as they give you the low down on how to have awesome vaginal orgasms from PIV sex. Also- Holistic alternatives to the new FDA approved "Female Viagra".

Find out:
Why only 20% of women are having vaginal orgasm during intercourse.
Female genital anatomy and arousal.
How to “prepare the body for pleasure”.
Best positions for vaginal orgasms.
Turing your penis into a powerful healing tool.

About Jennifer Elizabeth Masters:
As a gifted teacher, author, lecturer and intuitive coach, Jennifer will lead you through a journey filled with love and awakening. Her clarity, compassion and grace are a natural catalyst for exponential healing and love.
Jennifer has an innate ability to bring out the best in her clients empowering them to radiate their own love into the world. De-creating your past story blocks unlocks your unlimited potential. Her clients become amazing radiant magnets for love, success, wealth, passion and healthy relationships.