Tonight's Guest: Ronald Goldman
We are one of the most violent developed countries in the world. Our response tends to only treat symptoms. Violent behavior can be prevented by questioning early unrecognized environmental factors that are associated with later antisocial behavior.

Find out:
What's you overview of the American problem of violence?
What can disrupt the mother-infant bond?
How do cultural beliefs and values contribute to our problem?
How can these changes be supported?
What can people do to help create change?

About Ronald Goldman:
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. is a psychological researcher, speaker, and writer. His work includes hundreds of contacts with parents, children, and medical and mental health professionals. Dr. Goldman’s publications have been endorsed by dozens of professionals in mental health, medicine, and social science. His writing has appeared in newspapers, parenting publications, symposia proceedings, textbooks, and medical journals, and he has participated in over 200 media interviews.

Diplomas, Awards, Certiifcates etc.:
Ph.D in psychology
Ron Hering Mission of Service Award from ManKind Project New England
Biography published in Who's Who in the East
Author of first approved municipal resolution in the country to recognize the harm of corporal punishment of children
Author of the first state-wide resolution to encourage parents and caregivers to refrain from the use of corporal punishment
Author of the first state-wide bill to require true informed consent for male infant circumcision





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