In this episode I talk with Craig, Chris, Nadine and Pamela who are all Lightworkers connected to the Self-Realization Sevalight Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand. 

We talk about Pure Meditation, how it has helped us in our life and why we love to meditate.
Also we share a reading from The Truth Eternal by Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma our beloved Guru.

Our love to you, 
Sevalight Lightworkers


Daniel Carey is a devotee of Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma and has spent time living at two of the Self-Realization Sevalight Centres. He is a Lightworker and Sevalight Associates Member, he is currently training to become a Pure Spiritual Healer and Intuitive Counsellor.
He is your host on the Sevalight Lightworkers Podcast and will be talking with many of the Sevalight Lightworkers and Self-Realization Sevalight Centre Family members on lots of different subjects. He wishes to help take the teachings and unconditional love of our beloved Guru out to the world so all may feel the divine blessings of this great gift.