Welcome to Set That Btch Free, the Your Inner Babe podcast. We're on our way back stronger than ever babes and I'm so excited for this new chapter. Season one, similar to the first year after I started Your Inner Babe, was rooted in trial and error and gut instinct. I put myself at the center of it all and I leapt off the ledge to make this dream a reality with the intention of changing the way you all listening truly think and feel about yourselves. And in so many ways we did exactly that. I learned so much, I learned what worked and what didn't. I learned about my guests and I learned about myself, but the best part was that I learned about all of you too. I took a break to really listen to what you wanted; to hear you. 

I think it's so important to pause in life. It really helps you see where you're heading and we are heading right into an amazing season babes, filled with experts in their fields. We'll touch on everything: mental health, spirituality, grief, nutrition, personal branding. I'm still pretty shook by this guest line up, to be totally honest. Oh, and of course we'll hit confidence. We'll continue to redefine what that actually means for each and every one of you. You all truly shaped this experience for me and for that, I'll forever be grateful. 

So I'll see you back soon. But just remember the Inner Babe, you already have her. So tune back in for the launch of season two and I promise we'll set that bitch free.


Jacqueline Gould is a self-worth enthusiast, wellness addict and founder of Your Inner Babe™. Follow her on Instagram where you can always find her latest posts on increasing your self worth, conducting mindful introspection and finding that inner confidence that everyone has inside them.

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This podcast episode was produced by Dante32.