A big part of your job as a service designer is to make services easier. Easier to find. Easier to navigate. Easier to use.

Why? Because this not only makes the life of your customer easier but also yours.

As you know creating services that offer a coherent experience across the board comes with some implications.

In order to accomplish this organisations have to work across silos and have adopt a long term perspective.

Now imagine that you're just a small service design team in a large traditional organisation.

How do you make this happen? How do you even make any meaningful progress?

Well that's the theme for this week's episode with Iran Narges. Iran is the service design lead at the city of San Francisco.

We talk about how to be successful as a service designer in challenging conditions, including covid.

I think you'll be surprised which things make the biggest difference according to Iran.

So if find yourself in a siloed organisation that's primarily focussed on short term results I'm sure you'll get some useful insights out of this episode.

My goal with the Show is to help you be more impactful by understand what's underneath the surface of service design.

And I think this episode is a great example of that.

If you're read all the way to here make sure to leave a comment with the hashtag #commitment

--- [ GUIDE ] -—

00:00 Welcome to episode 118
03:00 Who is Iran
07:00 Question rapid fire
09:30 Why Service Design in local government
14:30 Bridging the silos
18:30 How do you make progress
26:15 What are the learnings
31:45 Service design in a pandemic
37:15 Which value do you bring
39:30 Reinforcing the fundamentals
43:30 The vision
46:45 Get in touch with Iran
49:00 Final thoughts

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/iran-narges/
* https://digitalservices.sfgov.org/
* https://medium.com/san-francisco-digital-services

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