Expectations of design. Everyone has them. What it is. How it works. The value it can create.

Often these expectations are implicit. This is especially challenging when you’re working with business people who don’t necessarily think like a designer.

Of course you believe in the power of design and want to live up it’s promise.

So it can get really frustrating when you feel you’re not able to live up to these expectations.

You might even start to think that something is wrong with you.

The good news is that most likely that’s not the case.

Usually the problem is a lack of common language and understanding.

In this episode with Ryan Rumsey you’re going to learn how you can close this classic gap between business and design.

Metaphorically speaking you need to become a true local in the village of business. Without losing your design soul of course.

As you’ll hear in this episode the pay off is high. Get this right and you’ll have a much greater influence on how important decision are made.

Allowing you to change organisations for the better.

To be honest I really think this is a conversation we need to have more in the design community.

--- [ GUIDE ] -—

00:00 Welcome to episode 119
02:45 Who is Ryan
04:10 60 second rapid fire
07:15 How did we get here?
16:15 Where do I start?
20:15 Different expectations
24:00 What can I gain?
29:30 Building partnerships
37:15 Business value of design
47:15 Valuable resources
49:30 There is a lot at stake
54:15 Final conclusion

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanrumsey/
* https://www.ryanrumsey.com/about
* https://www.secondwavedive.com/book
* https://www.ryanrumsey.com/words/the-good-partner-canvas

* Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered - https://amzn.to/3crYHXA
* HBR'S 10 Must Reads: The Essentials - https://store.hbr.org/product/hbr-s-10-must-reads-the-essentials/13292

Learn what it takes to get your clients, colleagues, managers, CEOs and even grandmas as excited about service design as you are.
