Marcus Lui talks about why it's important to design for different service rhytms. We discuss how great service concepts can fail because they don't respect the social relationships in a certain culture. Next to this explore the balance between keeping your customers safe and secure without compromising their convenience too much. Finally Marcus raises the question how much design thinking do we need.

On the Service Design Show we discuss how you can make a positive impact through design. If you're interested in Service Design, Design Thinking, Customer Experience, Business Innovation, Organisational Change and Creative Leadership we'd love to have you subscribe.


2:14 - First encounter with Service Design.
4:28 - Why does urban density and the perception of time to do with service design?
11:18 - How much do we have to consider social relationships and service design?
19:20 - How far can we go in keeping our customers safe without compromising too much of their convenience. This balance?
26:44 - Big question: How much design thinking?


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