About Nader Dabit:

Nader Dabit is a Developer Advocate at AWS Mobile working with projects like AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify. He is also the author of React Native in Action, & the editor of React Native Training & OpenGraphQL.

Twitter: @dabit3Twitter: @AWSAmplifyAWS Amplify: aws.amazon.com/amplifyBlog: dev.to/dabit3Github: github.com/dabit3 


Jeremy: Hi, everyone. I'm Jeremy Daly, and you're listening to Serverless Chats. This week I'm chatting with, Nader Dabit. Hi, Nader, thanks for joining me.

Nader: Hey, thanks for having me.

Jeremy: You are a Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services. Why don't you tell the listeners a bit about yourself and your background, and what you do as a Senior Developer Advocate?

Nader: Yeah, sure. Before I joined AWS, I was basically a front-end engineer, mainly a mobile engineer for the last, I guess four or five years before joining AWS. I kind of come from a traditionally front-end background, but the team that I work on is the mobile team, but we cover Amplify, we cover AppSync, we also cover Device Farm and the Amplify Console. And yeah, we have a couple of developer advocates, I'm one of them. And our role is very kind of lenient in the sense that we don't really have a traditional role as someone might think of maybe a developer evangelist or something.

I think it's really team dependent on what that role actually means. But to our manager, it's a way for us to have a lot of leeway in what we do, so we can write code. Most of the stuff we do is open source so we can contribute to the open source, we can speak, we can write docs, we can write blog posts. Whatever we feel is going to contribute the most to moving everything that we're working on forward, we're able to attack that and work with that.

Jeremy: Awesome. So, speaking of things that you're trying to move forward, you mentioned AWS Amplify. Which is this really cool project that Amazon is working on. Why don't you give the listeners a 30,000 foot overview of what exactly that is?

Nader: Sure. The Amplify was first, I guess, introduced as a client SDK for web and for React Native that basically allowed you to interact with things like API Gateway, things like AWS AppSync, Cognito, much easier I guess, than some of the old way. Before you were using probably the AWS JavaScript SDK, we just added improvements that were really meant for interacting with these services from client apps. The Client was first introduced, that started game gaining steam pretty quickly.

We then introduced the CLI at the... I think the next reinvents. I think it was actually, I'm not sure exactly when the CLI was released, but it was really after to the Client. And the CLI is something that basically allows you to create AWS resources in a similar fashion as you would do with something like CloudFormation or SAM or even something like the Serverless Framework.

But it gives just a different approach, so instead of having to maybe do it in the way that you're used to doing it, maybe writing some CloudFormation or maybe writing some templates with JSON or YMAL, you can just go to the command line and create an update categories versus kind of having to know what's on with AWS.

If you're coming to AWS as a newcomer, it makes a little more sense based on the feedback that we've gotten to use Amplify, because they can say, "Hey, I want an API," and in the background we'll spin up an API Gateway and point with some configuration around a proxy to pass the event into a Lambda and we'll also generate the Lambda. It's kind of an easy entry point for people, but it also is a very helpful way to generate a couple of things at once that kind of tie together, so the CLI is another part of it.

Then there's the Console, which is something that was introduced, that re:Invent 2018, and the Console is a hosting and CI/CD platform that allows you to just kind of connect to a get-repo, and then we do the build and we deploy to CloudFront with S3. It's a really nice way to deploy your web apps. We also have a lot of stuff that's been added over the last year to improve that. I would say that's the main focus, those three things, the Command Line Interface, the hosting platform and the client libraries.

Jeremy: The purpose though of these three tools sort of working together is to build mobile applications, or web applications using something like React Native or just React, or actually view an angular, like there's plugins for all that. The point though is that rather than you having to go out and use something like SAM or build all these things out individually with CloudFormation, that this is just sort of giving you a unified way to create both the front-end and the backend, right?

Nader: Yeah. I mean, we have a lot of people that are actually... there's two ways to kind of look at it, I guess. You can use the client only and still use CloudFormation and SAM and Serverless Framework and we have a ton of people actually doing that. Or you can kind of buy into the whole framework and then use the CLI as your resource creation platform of choice. You can kind of go at it both ways.

But yeah, the idea though is to build these full stack applications and to kind of, we have a couple of main focus points. One of them is around developer experience and the other is just around developer velocity. And I guess that could, maybe tied to developer experience. We want to be able to allow you to create things, and configure things, and deploy and try things out, experiment quicker than maybe you would have been able to in the past.

Jeremy: I mean, I get that you can sort of break these things up and you can use them individually. But I mean, really what you're building is sort of a philosophy around a full stack development, right?

Nader: Right, right. We think that what we're doing is a little different than anything that's kind of been out there before, I think. And we don't really have something to compare it to, but we talk about it in a couple of different ways. One of the things that we talk about is this idea of a full stack serverless development, where you're a developer, or you're a team, or you're a startup, or you're a company and you want to be able to enable a developer or a team of developers to build the front-end and the back end, versus having the traditional maybe engineering team where you have a backend developer and then you have a front-end developer.

We're looking at it like, what if a developer could just be looked at as a full stack developer like we've seen forever. But instead of the traditional full stack developer where the backend developer might be in charge of creating servers and creating a database and patching and dealing with all of the different backend resources, we could take the serverless philosophy, use that and then apply the front-end developers and merge that together and enable a single developer to build out these full stack apps, or a team.

Jeremy: Yeah. And I definitely love that idea because I do think there's a huge growth in front-end developers that need the capabilities of the backend, whether it's simple crowd apps or something like that, or something more complex. But serverless has always to me, seemed like a reall...

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