Previous Episode: LOVE the process
Next Episode: Relationship Styles

Hello you guys!!! Happy Pride Month to all of my community out there!!! Whether you are part of the LGBT movement or not, everyone is welcome to my community:) This podcast is open to anyone who would like to listen. I apologize in advance and my language, possibly radical behavior on this episode! The first person who got under my skin had to be Mr. Jason Touch, Malice, or whatever his last name is! He happened to be a hater but turned out to be a great source to this podcast! 45 year old man with a 22 year old mindset. I could of have went super off on him but I was being understanding of the Audience and trying to understand his perspective at the same time. I still enjoyed debating!XD I hope you enjoy it too. (Also…These man got their karma for saying that podcasting is stupid) The actual Jason episode starts @18:29.