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329 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★ - 1 rating

A Jesus-centered community in Waverly, Iowa

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The Call to Groups

August 26, 2018 18:44 - 64.7 MB

In America, we are quite independent as people, and many Jesus-followers bring this same independence into their spiritual growth. However, the writer of the biblical book of Hebrews encourages Jesus-followers to NOT go it alone in their pursuit of Christlikeness. In this first message in the two-week "Grow in Groups" series, guest teacher Andrew Boone unpacks Hebrews 10:19-25, showing God's call to all Jesus-followers to make Jesus-centered relationships an intentional part of thei...

What Elders Do (Elders #3)

August 19, 2018 20:30 - 53.3 MB

There's a lot of confusion about what a church elder is expected to do. Do they manage budgets? Do they oversee the pastor and staff? Do they manage the projects of the church, or oversee the administrative details, or simply control all the happenings of the church? In this third and final message in the Elders series, Pastor Erin Bird helps us answer the question "What is an elder supposed to actually do?" by looking at 1 Peter 5:1-5.

Who are Elders (Elders #2)

August 12, 2018 18:29 - 74.6 MB

Last Sunday, we heard why a church would want elders to lead them. But who should these elders be? The most outspoken guy in the church? The bank president who has proven to be a success and great manager? The lady who has been a part of the church the longest or served on every other committee? In this week's message, Pastor Erin Bird walks us through the qualifications the Apostle Paul gave to Titus about who would make a great elder for a church.

Why Elders? (Elders #1)

August 05, 2018 21:19 - 70.4 MB

There are SO many types of church governance out there in Christendom: deacons, councils, boards, dictatorships, church staffs, and more. So why is Riverwood choosing to move to an elder form of leadership? In this first message in a three part series, Pastor Erin Bird explains why he believes Riverwood will benefit from installing elders to help continue the mission of inviting the spiritually disconnected to find and follow Jesus.

Perseverance (Disciplined #8)

July 29, 2018 19:24 - 40.6 MB

For many Jesus-followers, engagement with the spiritual disciplines can be tiring, frustrating, and difficult. Whether it is prayer, Bible reading, fasting, or something else, they find themselves drifting toward comfort and disengagement, eventually quitting the spiritual discipline altogether. But what if your best days are found on the other side of your spiritual funk? In this final message in the Disciplined series, Pastor Erin Bird teaches from James 1:2-4 about the power of ...

Sacrifice (Disciplined #7)

July 15, 2018 19:14 - 61.6 MB

No one accidentally wins an Olympic gold medal. It takes tremendous work and sacrifice to obtain something of such incredible worth. Likewise, to grow to love like Jesus loved and live like Jesus lived often requires great sacrifice. In this seventh part of the Disciplined, Pastor Erin Bird teaches from two parables the Jesus told to show the power of sacrifice. If you want to have an amazing relationship with God, listen in for how you can grow spiritually through three different d...

Generosity (Disciplined #6)

July 08, 2018 19:01 - 66.5 MB

Money. Yep, we're going there. The topic of finances is quite the sticky topic to discuss in church. And yet, if you want to love like Jesus loved and live like Jesus lived, you have to wrestle with the topic. In this sixth part of the Disciplined series, Jacob Tews helps Jesus-followers see the beauty of living generously, particularly when it comes to the area of finances. So listen in to be challenged and inspired to enter into the spiritual discipline of giving.

Serving (Disciplined #5)

July 01, 2018 18:48 - 54.1 MB

If you were to ask a random Christian to name some spiritual disciplines, "serving" would probably not be one of the first disciplines listed, if at all. And yet serving is an incredibly important discipline because it helps to change our selfish hearts. So listen in to learn how the discipline of serving can help you grow spiritually, as well as learn who you are to serve.

Prayer (Disciplined #4)

June 26, 2018 15:47 - 64.6 MB

Ever felt like prayer is boring? Or have you felt like you couldn't pray because of sin in your life and/or past? Or maybe you're simply afraid to pray because it has just been so long since you've tried to talk with God and you fear He might be a bit upset that you've been ignoring Him? In this masterful sermon on the spiritual discipline of prayer, guest teacher Patrick Ray walks us through Romans 8, showing us why we shouldn't let shame or fear or boredom keep us from this God-gi...

Worship (Disciplined #3)

June 17, 2018 20:23 - 53.7 MB

You may not realize it, but you are almost always worshipping. The question is: who or what are you worshipping? In this third part of the Discipled series, we look at how easily we worship the things of this earth instead of the One who made the earth, and how to go about changing that. So listen in if you want to grow as a worshipper of God.

Community (Disciplined #2)

June 10, 2018 18:24 - 66.8 MB

Relationships are hard. Hang out with someone long enough, and you will inevitably get hurt, whether through their words or actions. And when we get hurt, we often want to pull away from the relationship. However, humans were created as relational creatures. So we want to be in relationship, and yet we get hurt by those relationships. So how do we live in this tension? Listen in to learn how to allow the spiritual discipline of community help you grow to be more like Jesus.

Scripture (Disciplined #1)

June 05, 2018 14:06 - 63.3 MB

For the summer of 2018, Riverwood Church is taking a look at the topic of spiritual disciplines. Over 9 weeks, the Riverwood family will look at nine different disciplines Jesus-followers can engage in. However, there is a danger to this topic. In this opening message in the Disciplined series, Pastor Erin Bird helps us learn what the inherent danger is with spiritual disciplines, how to avoid this danger, and the reason Scriptural intake is a foundational discipline for those who w...

Sacrifice & Jesus (& Jesus #8)

May 27, 2018 19:44 - 84.4 MB

What should a church family really look like? How should a church family operate? What should a Jesus-follower be willing to give up for the sake of others within the church family? In this final message in the "& Jesus" series, guest teacher Andrew Boone takes us to Romans 15 to challenge Jesus-followers to critically think about how they are to live within a church family. Listen in to this encouraging & challenging message that all Jesus-followers need to hear.

Conscience & Jesus (& Jesus #7)

May 20, 2018 18:35 - 66.9 MB

When it comes to the role of conscience in the Christian faith, things can get a bit sticky. The conscience of one Jesus-followers allows him to enjoy a beer while the conscience of another Jesus-follower won't let her even walk into a bar. Does this mean God is unfair? Or that one of the Jesus-followers is wrong in his or her conviction? Join us as Pastor Erin Bird walks us through this difficult issue by studying Romans chapter 14.

Pleasure & Jesus (& Jesus #6)

May 14, 2018 19:40 - 63.2 MB

Oftentimes, when a person feels stressed or uncomfortable in life, he or she will seek out pleasure to bring some relief. But sometimes, the pleasure they seek keeps them from the life they truly want. In this sixth part of the & Jesus sermon series, Pastor Erin Bird walks through Romans 13:11-14, which shows Jesus-followers that life on this earth is not the time to fill up with as much pleasure as one can get. Rather, it's time for something far more meaningful and important. Lis...

Government & Jesus (& Jesus #5)

May 06, 2018 19:30 - 55.3 MB

Most people see the government as a bureaucratic nightmare that is focused on getting and keeping power. How should a Jesus-follower respond to the government, especially when government leaders make decisions that a Jesus-follower might disagree with. The answer might surprise you. Listen in as we learn from Romans 13 how a follower of Jesus should approach his country's government.

Marriage & Jesus (& Jesus #4)

April 29, 2018 19:33 - 63.3 MB

Many people within our American culture think of marriage as an emotional and sexual prison. Why else do 41% of all marriage experience emotional and/or physical infidelity? And why else would 74% of men and 68% of women be willing to have an affair if they knew they wouldn't get caught? Clearly, marriage is viewed by many as a shackle. But rather than be a jail that keeps us from joy, what if God designed marriage to not only fill us with joy, but to help us become more like Jesus?...

Kids & Jesus (& Jesus #3)

April 22, 2018 18:41 - 45.5 MB

In our modern American culture, some people view kids as trouble, or annoying, or just something to be ignored. But have you ever considered how God views kids? In this third message in the & Jesus series, teaching pastor Erin Bird shows us from Romans 12 and Ephesians 6 why we need to love and honor kids if we are going to be followers of Jesus.

Relationships & Jesus (& Jesus #2)

April 15, 2018 19:57 - 50.4 MB

The story of Batman isn't just a comic book story or a super hero story. It is actually a revenge story. It is a story about Bruce Wayne getting revenge upon crime for taking his parents from him when he was a kid. Living inside of you is an inner Batman - a character that wants revenge whenever something or someone is taken from you. This inner Batman makes us feel strong, but he actually robs us of having amazing, healthy relationships. If you want to have the type of relationship...

Your FIST & Jesus (& Jesus #1)

April 09, 2018 19:47 - 68.3 MB

Have you ever had to make a decision that those around you thought was absolutely crazy, but you knew beyond a shadow of doubt was the right thing to do? Some times, that's what it looks like to follow Jesus. An unbelieving world thinks a Jesus-follower is nuts for some of the things he or she believes God is calling them to do. How does a Jesus-follower make these difficult decisions in the face of such questioning? Listen in to this first part in our & Jesus sermon series from Rom...

Glorious Day (Easter 2018)

April 02, 2018 20:05 - 57.6 MB

Many people in our American society are familiar with the Easter story, even those who don't go to church. But do these miraculous events from over two-thousand years ago mean anything for people living in 2018? In this Easter message entitled Glorious Day, Pastor Erin Bird shows how the physical resurrection of Jesus points to a spiritual resurrection that God wants to do within you, changing you at your core.

Motivated by Jesus (Following Jesus #3)

March 25, 2018 21:59 - 53.1 MB

Most people in life spend their time trying to be happy. They selfishly focus on whatever they believe will make life easier, more pleasurable, or more memorable. But then there a few people who seem to devote the majority of their time to helping others. They are incredibly Unselfish. How do they do it? By having a shift in their motivation. In this message, Riverwood's teaching pastor, Erin Bird, walks us through Colossians 3:1-17, helping us see how to make a shift in motivatio...

Continue with Jesus (Following Jesus #2)

March 18, 2018 20:24 - 63.4 MB

It is very natural for humans to think that in order to achieve a certain level of holiness, they have to "earn" it. Whether it be through classes, practices, or upholding certain traditions, they believe they have to jump through certain hoops in order to be "saved" or to please God. But as Erin Bird, teaching pastor for Riverwood, shows us from the book of Colossians, what we need isn't to add classes or religious practices in order to make God happy - rather, we just need to cont...

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus (Following Jesus #1)

March 11, 2018 21:07 - 62.1 MB

Have you ever seen those videos of people texting on their phones while walking who end up running into a sign, or into a pond, or even into a wall? They are so distracted by their phones, they miss what is around them. In the book of Colossians, the Apostle Paul didn't want his readers to spiritually walk into "walls" by getting distracted by the things of life. So to protect them, he helps them by telling them to keep their eyes on Jesus. If you are a Jesus-follower, this message...

Four Reasons Why You Should Share the Gospel

March 04, 2018 20:51 - 81.9 MB

Evangelism. It's a scary word for a lot of people. Most Jesus-followers don't engage in it, and those that do often do it from impure motives. Teaching from 2 Corinthians 5:9-21, guest teacher Steve Erickson walks Jesus-followers through four reasons why they should share the gospel with others, and how to do it with the right heart.

Speaking the Gospel (The Gospel #4)

February 25, 2018 20:34 - 47.8 MB

Imagine a scientific lab that discovered a cure for cancer, but didn't tell anyone. That would be awful, wouldn't it? Yet on a spiritual level, many Jesus-followers know the "cure" for sin, but remain mum. In this last message in "The Gospel" sermon series, Pastor Erin Bird shows from the book of Colossians that if someone is a Jesus-follower, it is expected he or she will "speak the gospel." And as we'll see, Jesus-followers are to speak the gospel to those who don't know Jesus as ...

Living the Gospel (The Gospel #3)

February 18, 2018 21:29 - 62.8 MB

So far in this series called "The Gospel," we have seen the importance of continually learning the gospel (week 1) so that we can think the gospel (week 2). But the purpose for allowing the gospel to be a filter to our way of thinking is to impact our way of living. The Scriptures do not teach us the gospel simply to fill our heads with the story of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. The Bible shows us how the gospel is to impact our everyday lives and relationships. In this th...

Thinking the Gospel (The Gospel #2)

February 11, 2018 20:31 - 52.8 MB

How you see yourself shapes what you do. If you see yourself as a great athlete, you'll keep trying your best at your sport. If you see yourself as a horrible cook, you'll stay away from the kitchen. The same goes for your faith. How you think about yourself spiritually affects what you do and how you feel about life. In Romans 12:1-3, the Apostle Paul talks about this very thing - how your thinking affects your behavior. Listen in as Pastor Erin Bird explores these ancient words w...

Learning the Gospel (The Gospel #1)

February 04, 2018 22:32 - 56 MB

Just like a person can become fluent in a foreign language with study and practice, a Jesus-follower can become "fluent" in the gospel by studying it. This week, in part one of "The Gospel" series, we look at the importance of learning the gospel continually, because it has the power to shape how we think, speak, and live.

State of the Church 2017

January 28, 2018 19:52 - 39.2 MB

On this particular Sunday, Erin Bird, our lead pastor, takes a moment to look back at what happened in the Riverwood family in 2017, and what is possibly to come in 2018.

Committed to the Gospel (Committed #3)

January 21, 2018 20:27 - 65.9 MB

After you breathe your last breath, what do you hope to have left behind? Nice thoughts about your life? A full bank account that will provide for your children? A building bearing your name? If you are a Jesus-follower, these things are too small. God wants to do so much more than just see people say nice things about you at your funeral. If you want to leave a legacy that will make an eternal impact, listen in to "Committed to the Gospel" as Pastor Erin Bird walks us through 2 Ti...

Committed to Grow (Committed #2)

January 15, 2018 03:54 - 58 MB

Ever been lost in a strange city? Some people stop and ask for directions (well, at least most of the women reading this do...). Some people just try to figure it out (which many of the guys reading this try to do...). But most often, in our day of smartphones, we consult a map. A map helps us get reoriented to where we currently are and how to get where we want to go. Sometimes, we need the exact same thing spiritually - we need some sort of "map" to figure out how to move forward...

Committed to God (Committed #1)

January 07, 2018 19:41 - 61.7 MB

People are committed to all sorts of things: family, work, hobbies, sports, etc. But underneath our devotion to such items is often a greater dedication - a commitment to self. In this first message in the Committed message series, we hear from 2 Timothy 3:1-13 how a commitment to self actually keeps us from the life we want and that God has for us. So listen in to learn how to make the primary commitment in your life a commitment to God.

An Incarnational Life (An Incarnational Christmas #3)

December 10, 2017 20:41 - 53.1 MB

Many Americans love to drive around town in December looking at Christmas lights. (We are like bugs drawn to the light!) Why? Perhaps because light, while it is outside of us, does something within us. Light gives us some joy, a bit of hope, and a sense of awe. Maybe this is why Jesus is called "the Light of the World." In this third part of our teaching series "An Incarnational Christmas" we discover that Jesus, as the light, has come to give us joy, hope, and awe. But his incarna...

An Incarnational Mirror (An Incarnational Christmas #2)

December 03, 2017 19:23 - 54.1 MB

Our view of self as humans vacillates wildly. We shift from thinking we are one of the most awesome persons on earth to one of the worst people to have ever lived. (And sometimes we even think all of that on the same day!) But the Incarnation of Jesus actually addresses our view of self, helping us see who we really are in the eyes of God. And that view will simultaneously humble us and embolden us as humans. So listen to "An Incarnational Mirror" to better understand who you truly...

Incarnational Impact (An Incarnational Christmas #1)

November 26, 2017 21:10 - 55.5 MB

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines "incarnation" as "a person who embodies in the flesh a deity." In Christianity, the incarnation of Jesus, God the Son, into human flesh is a foundational doctrine to the faith. But this doctrinal truth does more than just separate Christianity from other religions, it impacts the meaning of Christmas and our view of God.

Why Give Thanks

November 19, 2017 20:21 - 19.8 MB

As part of our annual Thanksgiving Family Worship Gathering, Riverwood's very own Jacob Tews shared some thoughts about why Jesus-followers can give thanks in all circumstances - even the hard ones.

My Story in His Story (His Story #40)

November 12, 2017 19:53 - 76.9 MB

In this final message in the His Story sermon series, we wrap things up in a different way. Rather than see how the Bible points to Jesus, we ask "How does your story point to Jesus?" To answer that question, we look at the story of a woman in John 4 and then hear from five Jesus-followers who reveal how their story really does point to Jesus.

The Revelation of Jesus (His Story #39)

November 05, 2017 20:28 - 68.5 MB

Ever seen a Magic Eye picture? It looks like a mess on the surface, but if you peer through it, you see something entirely different - a 3D image inside the picture. The Book of Revelation is somewhat similar. On the surface, it appears to first be apocalyptic literature all about the end of the world. But as you peer deeper, you discover that it first points to Jesus. Listen in to discover at least four ways that the Book of Revelation shows us Jesus in its pages, and in the proce...

Jesus in the Epistles (His Story #38)

October 29, 2017 21:16 - 52.6 MB

The Epistles in the New Testament are letters written to individuals and churches to help them follow Jesus. Listen in as we look at 1 John 2:1-14 to learn the four things the Epistles can do for those whose faith is in Jesus.

Jesus & His Church in Acts (His Story #37)

October 22, 2017 19:19 - 69.4 MB

Sometimes in life, we see, hear, or experience an event, and yet somehow we misunderstand the truth. For instance, you might meet an incredibly tall athletic-looking man and assume he plays basketball. Yet the reality might be that he hates sports and actually has an affinity for the fine arts. Well, something similar has happened to Americans' view of church. Because of our experiences, we have created definitions of what a church is, and yet we misunderstand what it truly is. So ...

The Ascension of Jesus (His Story #36)

October 15, 2017 19:17 - 68.6 MB

Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead after his brutal crucifixion, he ascended to heaven in front of his followers. Right before he lifted off the ground, he gave one last instruction. This final command of Christ has been feared by Christians throughout history. Many find this command too difficult to obey, or they want to obey it in their own way in their own timing. But as we hear in this next part of the His Story series, this final command of Jesus isn't supposed to be dru...

The Resurrection of Jesus (His Story #35)

October 08, 2017 19:56 - 61.5 MB

Christians all around the world throughout history have remembered the death of Jesus on the cross as payment for sin. But did you know the gospel message doesn't stop with the crucifixion of Jesus? There's more to the story. Listen in to discover why the resurrection of Jesus is crucial to the gospel story. Because if there's no resurrection, there's no Christianity.

The Crucifixion of Jesus (His Story #34)

October 01, 2017 19:19 - 52.5 MB

The crucifixion of Jesus is the central aspect of the Christian faith. Churches around the world every Sunday sing about it, talk about it, and take communion elements to remember it. But have you really looked at the crucifixion? Do you know what Jesus truly went through? In this next part of the His Story series, we take a deep look at the physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering of Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the spear thrust in his side. And as you listen to this ...

Jesus in the Lord’s Supper (His Story #33)

September 24, 2017 20:02 - 51.5 MB

Christian churches all around the world celebrate the sacrament of communion (also called the Lord's Supper). But where did this practice come from? Listen in to discover the roots to this ancient ceremony. And as you do, you will discover how the Lord's Supper, like the Bible, points to Jesus.

The Miracles of Jesus (His Story #32)

September 17, 2017 18:34 - 61.3 MB

Have you ever experienced a "wow" moment? You know, a moment that takes your breath away, and all you can say is "wow"? Jesus gave his disciples and the people around him some "wow" moments. We call them miracles. And as we study the reaction of the disciples in Mark 4:35-41 to one of the biggest miracles Jesus, we see how the miracles of Jesus should affect us. So listen in to this next message in the His Story series. You might just have a wow moment while looking at the miracles...

The Message of Jesus (His Story #31)

September 10, 2017 21:49 - 63.2 MB

Some people become famous in life for having one consistent message. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. is known for his speeches on civil rights. Jesus also had one consistent message. In this next part to the His Story series, we look at His one repeated message, and discover how it should affect the one message of your life.

The Disciples: The Call and the Cost to Following Jesus (His Story #30)

September 07, 2017 15:08 - 99.6 MB

The first-century disciples (followers) of Jesus were ordinary men and women like you and me. But some of them did extraordinary things because they allowed their lives to not be about themselves, but to be all about the message and life of Jesus. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, if you want to follow Jesus (or are simply curious about following Him) listen in as Riverwood's Worship Pastor, Jeff Willis, talks about the call and cost of following Jesus.

The Arrival of Jesus (His Story #29)

August 27, 2017 18:44 - 52.7 MB

Everyone one of us has experienced a disruption in life. Some disruptions are good, like finding out you got the job. But some disruptions seem to wreck our personal stories, like hearing the doctor say "It's cancer." The arrival of Jesus into the pages of history was a disruption. But in this message, we learn how the arrival of Jesus should be a good disruption to our story. So listen in to hear three points that help you see how the birth of Jesus impacts you personally.

Missional Life Rhythms

August 21, 2017 14:45 - 72.7 MB

In this stand-alone message, guest teacher Steve Erickson shows from the life of Jesus how a Jesus-follower can use the everyday spaces he or she finds themselves in to grow spiritually  and be a blessing to others.