Classics Podcast artwork Classics Podcast

199 episodes - English - ★★★★★ - 163 ratings

The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: Revival. Concepts such as Holiness, Purity, Christ-Likeness, Self-Denial and Discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity

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Five Principles of Revival by Ian Paisley

August 21, 2007 06:31 - 52 minutes - 12 MB

Ian Paisley shares with a holy burden his passion and desire to see a revival and awakening in Ulster. Revival is when God makes bare His arm! Oh that we might see days of God working admist men again. The center of revival is in glorifying the Son of God and the work of the cross.

Judgement Day by David Wilkerson

July 16, 2007 21:21 - 52 minutes - 12.1 MB

Wilkerson delivers this powerful sermon on the sobering reality of the day of Judgement where all men will have to stand before God and give account. Preaching on this eternal doctrine has disappeared from Christendom! What a needed and important truth to hear in our day.

Man's Petty Kingdom by Art Katz

July 02, 2007 20:45 - 45 minutes - 10.4 MB

Art Katz gives a solemn message to a denomination that is going towards establishing a earthly kingdom void of the power of God and the things of God. This is a warning to the Church in our day to be a part of God's eternal heavenly spiritual kingdom.

God's Bloodhound by Rolfe Barnard

June 02, 2007 03:24 - 47 minutes - 10.8 MB

Rolfe Barnard speaks with power and authority against many misconceptions and falsities found in the Church of Jesus Christ. He takes us on a journey to hell with Abraham too see that hell is eternal and everlasting. This sermon will move and impact you for eternity.

The Burden of God Brings Brokenness by Gerhard Du Toit

May 21, 2007 17:10 - 1 hour - 20 MB

Brother Gerhard shares from a burden of the Holy Ghost about brokeness in the Christian life. This message will move and challenge you. He shares personal stories about how the Lord has dealt in his life and some principles from scripture of how we can begin to share the burden of God in our life.

How To Escape Deception by Zac Poonen

May 21, 2007 17:09 - 1 hour - 15 MB

Zac Poonen shares on the subject of deception and shows how we can steer clear from this prevalent problem in Christendom today. We must be honest with ourselves and the possibility of ourselves being deceived in these last days where God warned us of.

Others by Denny Kenaston

May 10, 2007 23:34 - 1 hour - 14 MB

Denny Kennesaton speaks on the subject of loving one another as Christ loved us. He shows through personal testimony and clear scriptural teaching the wonderful principle on serving others above yourself. True love is sacrifical love that will seek others before self. This is the Christ-like attitude that we need to walk in: Others first.

Playing At Soldiers by George Verwer

April 20, 2007 23:31 - 51 minutes - 11.7 MB

George Verwer gives a impassioned strong appeal to a group of young missionaries to give up their life's fully to the Lord Jesus Christ. He gives many allusions of warfare and being a solider and strongly shows how many Christians are not living fully towards their goal and task for being on year. This is a call to true discipleship and forsaking of the world for Christ.

The Reproach of Christ by Carter Conlon

April 16, 2007 18:24 - 56 minutes - 13.3 MB

Carter Conlon delivers this message for Christians that have positioned themselves in the center of two different kingdoms. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world, Coming to the house of the Lord with a seemingly holy devotion for God and leaving the House of the Lord and having the same devotion for the things of the world. In every generation there has to be somebody that is willing to stand in the middle of the marketplace and bear the reproach of Jesus Christ.

Oh, America, America! by Leonard Ravenhill

April 15, 2007 05:32 - 50 minutes - 11.6 MB

Leonard Ravenhill discusses about when Jesus weeps over Jerusalem and applies it to the modern day need of the Church. 'The biggest tragedy in the world tonight is a sick church in a dying world, there is no hope for the world unless the Church is revived.' He specifically pleads for the Church of America to get before God in sackcloth and ashes in its present situation.

A Warning To America by Keith Daniel

March 31, 2007 20:15 - 1 hour - 17.7 MB

Keith Daniel gives a solemn warning to the Church of Jesus Christ in America, that we must pray before its too late. The church should not use wordly methods to win the world it will not work! The main thrust of the sermon is preached from Ephesians 6:10-18 and the emphasis is that the church needs to get into warfare on their knees. God can still change America and other nations to be God fearing and righteous again.

Power of Prayer by William P. Nicholson

March 24, 2007 07:47 - 45 minutes - 10.4 MB

William P. Nicholson speaks on prayer and also not just praying but having genuine, effectual power in prayer. He puts the emphasis on the truths of God and really shows the potential in prayer. He repeats alot of scriptures and reads them with emphasis so God can really speak to our hearts concerning these truths of prayer.

True Discipleship by Zac Poonen

March 08, 2007 23:26 - 1 hour - 22.2 MB

Zac Poonen shares his heart plainly at a christian conference. He speaks on true discipleship and those that follow Christ and don't gather men and honor to themselves. This message is throbbing with love and unselfish desire yet has a strong rebuke and correction for many in ministry. May God allow this message to be a balm to many before that great day before God in heaven where all things will be made bare.

Reality in the Christian Life by Zac Poonen

March 07, 2007 08:15 - 1 hour - 14.3 MB

Zac Poonen shares with the power of the Holy Spirit a message from the heart of God that will show you real Christianity. He speaks against the hyprocrisy that is so prevalent with so many Christians. God's grace leads to holiness and godliness, that is where the peace of God is.

Chosen To Be Holy by Alan Redpath

March 02, 2007 02:35 - 57 minutes - 13.2 MB

Alan Redpath speaks with prophetic urgency and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church is helpless without the power of the Holy Spirit. In a day and age of techniques and man-made programs this message is like a clarion call to the church of this day. May God impart it to this generation and let us respond to its call!

That Dreadful Day No One Wants to Talk About by David Wilkerson

February 28, 2007 19:42 - 46 minutes - 10.6 MB

David Wilkerson expounds on 2 Peter 3:9-14. His concern for the body of Christ is not that of the hireling, but of the shepherd (John 10:12-13). He speaks on some of the current-day news headlines like the uncertainty in the MiddleEast regarding Iran and Israel, the poverty in third-world countries, genocide in Africa, and the becoming of China as a modern-day super power. He also touches slightly on a possible nuclear holocaust that could take place in the USA. "This is the time for conformi...

Run For Your Life by Carter Conlon

February 23, 2007 02:45 - 1 hour - 25.6 MB

Carter Conlon shares in the aftermath of 9/11 on a very important subject. Every professing Believer should hear this heart cry from the Father. It is a powerful rebuke to superficial and worldly doctrines that have crept in to the professing Church of Jesus Christ in our generation.

Devotions or Devotion by Keith Green

February 23, 2007 02:43 - 1 hour - 21.2 MB

Keith Green shares from a modified version of a sermon from one of Charles Finney's books. The insights from this sermon are very unique and its well worth the listen. It's not necessarily the things we do that please God, but the reasons why we do them. A beautiful look at true devotion.

Another Gospel by David Wilkerson

February 23, 2007 02:41 - 11 minutes - 4.04 MB

David Wilkerson gives a strong message with "prophetic urgency." He clearly shows that the "prosperity gospel" teaching that gain is godliness is unscriptural and a lie from hell. Surely this is a word from God to a generation of Christians in America that have swallowed this ear tickling teaching up to their demise.

The Anointing of God by Jim Cymbala

February 18, 2007 00:50 - 56 minutes - 19.6 MB

Jim Cymbala shares with burden and passion on the simple message of the gospel and how many modern day Churches have forsaken these ways. We need the anointing of God in our churches we need prayer back in our churches. Cymbala preaches on many themes in this sermon and presents true apostolic christianity from the book of "Acts."

Rivers of Living Water by Bill McLeod

February 18, 2007 00:45 - 47 minutes - 16.4 MB

Bill McCleod shares with a burdened heart on the subject of personal revival in the Christian's life. He shares much Scripture on the command of God to be filled with the Spirit and goes through many Scriptures on reasons for us grieving and limiting God. He ends with a very powerful story of how we can stop the work of God in our lifes. He ends the sermon in tears over the state of many that are hindering God working in their lifes. A very sobering a heart-searching message.

The Heresy Of Cheap Grace by Ernest O'Neill

February 18, 2007 00:44 - 34 minutes - 11.7 MB

These days are full of mass salvations and large mega churches but we have to ask ourselves what impact they are having on society and the moral virtue of these so called aherents and professors. Ernest O'Neill shares from history and the Word of God on this most important subject.

Ten Shekels and a Shirt by Paris Reidhead

February 12, 2007 19:07 - 52 minutes - 12.1 MB

Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influntial sermons of the 20th century. The real point of this sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practising humanism behind a mask of Christianity! "This sermon should be preached on a regular basis in every church in America!"

Getting Used To The Dark by Vance Havner

February 12, 2007 19:06 - 31 minutes - 7.2 MB

Vance Havner in this sermon shows how many Christians are getting used to the apostasy and declension in Christianity in our day. Havner calls us afresh to see the situation how God sees it and to act as light's in a perverse and wicked generation. "We're living in the closing chapter of an age dominated by the prince and powers of darkness. And men do love darkness rather than light. I want to warn you tonight the best way I know how. Of a slow and subtle and sinister brainwashing process."

Hell, What Is It Like? by David Wilkerson

February 12, 2007 19:05 - 42 minutes - 9.72 MB

David Wilkerson delivers a very sobering message on the reality of hell. Barely any preachers these days would even dare to preach on this subject but how sad that falls from the new testament normal of hell as a normal doctrine taught and discussed. Jesus spoke of hell more then heaven, listen carefully and know that there is a eternal hell.

The enemy of the cross by Erlo Stegen

February 12, 2007 08:58 - 59 minutes - 13.6 MB

Erlo Stegen speaks of the need for the work of the cross in the life of the believer before we can experience pentecost. He speaks of the true fruit of what a crucified life bears witness of. There are two classes of people, those that are crucified to their wills and lusts or those that are enemies of this cross. Many who profess to be Christians have not crucified their wills and accepted the way of God fully.

Pointed Powerful Paralysing Preaching by Willie Mullan

February 12, 2007 08:57 - 1 hour - 14.5 MB

Willie Mullan shares with a burden of the Holy Spirit on the prophet Haggai. He preaches against worldliness in the Church and exalts a Holy God. At times his preaching is bold and strong! We need such preaching in our day. He shows how the prophet Haggai was a powerful preacher of righteousness with great historical background on the passage of scripture in Haggai 1:1-11.

God's Heart For America by Derek Prince

February 06, 2007 08:34 - 59 minutes - 4 GB

Derek Prince speaks on the sober reality that we must all approach Jesus Christ as Judge! He clearly teaches that Judgement begins at the house of God as Scripture says. There is much important truth in this message that is very timely to the spiritual situation in America.

Spiritual Treason by A.W. Tozer

January 16, 2007 08:19 - 23 minutes - 5.33 MB

Tozer speaks at a Alliance Conference on the a topic of discerning whether or not a experience or new doctrine is truly from God. He outlines and gives 5-6 reasons how we can surely know if it is from God: Does it glorify Christ? does it magnify Christ? Can it be found in the Bible? Does it promote unity and love for the brethren? This is a worthwhile teaching to hear and re-listen to.

Christ In Us by Erlo Stegen

December 27, 2006 19:06 - 48 minutes - 11.1 MB

Erlo Stegen delivers a heart searching message on the person of Christ. Woe to us who have God's Word and are not transformed to hear and obey it. Sundar Singh said that salt dissolved in water may disappear but it doesn't cease to exist. We may be sure of its presence by tasting the water. Likewise the indwelling Christ may be realised by His love He imparts to us.

Either Pentecost or Holocaust by Leonard Ravenhill

December 16, 2006 01:57 - 1 hour - 12.6 MB

Leonard Ravenhill speaks on the dire need of a modern day pentecost upon the church. The one great need of the church is holiness but the one great problem is uncleaness. America is facing the judgement of God having over 250,000 professional preachers yet the nation is not moved to God. Hear this strong appeal to move ourselves out of complancy to a vital relationship with God and the Word of God.

The King's Highway by Keith Daniel

December 10, 2006 06:45 - 2 hours - 30.3 MB

Keith Daniel gives a unction-filled message, expounding the "King's Highway" - the path God led Moses and the Israelites on as they passed through the heathen nations enroute to their Land of Promise. Keith warns of the consequences to those who divert from this highway of God's righteousness and purity to go down to visit the devil's territories.

Echoes Of Eternity by John Ridley

November 15, 2006 01:49 - 45 minutes - 7.86 MB

Ridley shares the word "eternity" that appears once in the bible but has powerful signifigance to the world. Oh to be enraptured with this all encompassing theme of eternity. Hear this old voice from the past share with a burdened heart the truths of the bible.

The Reality of the Divine Life by Duncan Campbell

November 01, 2006 05:30 - 49 minutes - 8.58 MB

What does it really mean to be in Christ? Duncan Campbell exposes shallow 'conversions' that do not bring about real change and a surrender to the lordship of Christ. Campbell weaves in some personal testimonies and revival experiences to compliment the topic. 'Are you moving,' Campbell warns, 'under a self-created illusion?'

A Call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

October 27, 2006 21:29 - 56 minutes - 9.73 MB

Wilkerson in this message gives out a call for all Believers to allow the anguish of God's heart for His Church and the world, into their own. Be prepared to be stirred by the Holy Spirit. You will truly never be the same!

Believe His Word Powerfully by Don McClure

October 04, 2006 05:15 - 50 minutes - 11.6 MB

Don McClure shares his heart towards a great need for ministers and Christian believers to believe the word of God as it is. To believe something powerfully, to love someone passionately and to live expectantly. Allow God to impart to you a renewed desire to believe the word of God as it is.

Seek My Face by Richard Owen Roberts

October 04, 2006 05:13 - 1 hour - 23.9 MB

Roberts speaks of the lofty and majestic God that we are to seek with all our hearts. He paints a tremendous picture of man and how seeking after God is an humbling task. This is an all important subject and worthy of a listen.

Revival In the Bible by J Vernon McGee

October 04, 2006 05:12 - 35 minutes - 8.23 MB

Vernon McGee shares with a passionate heart the burden for a biblical revival. He exposes the spurious type of revival and shows clearly how true revival begins individually between God and man. He gives some very pointed statements towards the apathy of the church individuals and gives a clear resounding plea for each person listening to get right with God.

Regeneration And Self-Denial by Paul Washer

October 04, 2006 05:11 - 1 hour - 16.1 MB

Paul Washer explains how self-denial is more than a wearisome relinquishing of worldliness. Speaking with great passion, he shows how self-denial is a work of God that makes surrender a joy and delight. This message penetrates with prophetic urgency the need of true conversion under the power of God.

Personal Testimony by Milton Green

October 04, 2006 05:10 - 59 minutes - 13.7 MB

Milton Green shares his personal testimony of being in the darkness away from God and being brought to the light. This testimony is a testimony of Grace! the marvelous freedom that Jesus Christ brings us into by his death and resurrection from the cross. A Powerful story of a transformed life.

Judgment Seat of Christ by Leonard Ravenhill

October 04, 2006 05:08 - 1 hour - 18.6 MB

This is a powerful message on the Judgement Seat of Christ. This message will challange you to question the way you are living as a Christian today compared to the eternal reality that we are going to go before God one day to give an account of our life.

God's Burden for Zion by George Warnock

October 04, 2006 05:06 - 1 hour - 17.7 MB

A powerful message by Brother Warnock showing us clearly how we are a holy priesthood raised up by Jesus Christ as our high priest. And he shows how the gospel needs not just to be told but shown in the life of us the body of Christ. The world has yet to feel the true impact of the life of the gospel.

And They Crucified Him by Art Katz

October 04, 2006 05:05 - 1 hour - 16.1 MB

Empty entertainment/worship sung by pretty people -Doctrinally-correct sermons devoid of power -Sunday-only Christian lives barely distiguishable from the world All these and many more ills are symptoms of a disease Art clearly identifies in this message. It's such a fundamental thing, our understanding of the cross. It's an indictment of our lives and the current impetence of the church. In the final analysis, unless we know ‘Christ and Him crucified,’ our knowledge of God will be false.

A Time to Cry by David Legge

October 04, 2006 05:03 - 40 minutes - 9.33 MB

David Legge gives a impassioned plea to the Church of Jesus Christ to wake up and weep and pray for God to move and act on our His behalf. "My friends, we need an awakening in the Iron Hall! We need an awakening in Ulster, for I believe it is our only hope!" and truly we need a awakening world wide! "The cry of my heart is this: whatever we do, we must not do nothing!" may we be led to pray in a new fervent way for God's kingdom to expand in this generation.

A Burning Heart by Leonard Ravenhill

October 04, 2006 05:01 - 1 hour - 21.8 MB

Ravenhill speaks from a text in Isaiah and speaks much about the role of the prophet. But really this is just him sharing his heart for revival and on the lukewarm condition of the church. You can really sense his burden as he just shares as the Spirit leads. You will be convicted as you hear this message and brought to your knees to become an agent of change in the church.

Christs Call Follow In My Footsteps by K.P. Yohannan

October 04, 2006 04:59 - 41 minutes - 9.26 MB

K.P. Yohannan gives an passionate plea to a large americian church in arizona to pursue self-denial and embrace the cross of Christ fully. He speaks on the reality of a eternal hell that forever and ever people will be crying out for mercy, in light of this how we are living our Christian lifes must change into radical obedience and surrender to the cross life.

The Incandescent Man by Leonard Ravenhill

August 11, 2006 21:44 - 57 minutes - 13.2 MB

Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.

Modern American Christianity by Paul Washer

August 11, 2006 21:44 - 1 hour - 15.1 MB

This message brings eternity and the true faith of Christ into our view. A very pointed sermon that cuts through the overlay of false profession in the Church. Paul Washer humbly yet with boldness speaks forth as the Oracles of God to a crowd of 5000 baptist youth. Would be to God that more would speeak with a clear conscience of true Christian virtue and repentance.


A Beautiful Mind
1 Episode
Sodom and Gomorrah
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