This one on my most hated signs.  No U-turns.  The reason why I hate this sign is because it does two things to me.  First it proves to me that I am lost, that I have missed my turn, or that I don’t know where I am going.  

Think about it.  You never even notice no u-turn signs if you know where you are going.  If you have a very clear picture of how to get where you need to go a NO UTURN sign is seldom seen.  

You plan ahead which allows you to anticipate the turns you will need make.  

But if you are lost, if you are not paying attention and fly past your turn, or if you are in uncharted territory, a no u-turn sign is threatening and seems to prevent you from accomplishing what you think you need to do.  

The Second reason I hate these stupid signs is that I seem to always discover them when I am in a hurry and driving too fast to begin with, so when I see them, I either get mad and break the law, or I get mad and drive even faster so I can turn around at the next opportunity.  

Have you ever noticed that they always place these signs at the intersections where you are most likely to need to make a u-turn.  If you are in a hurry and not thinking about the safety of yourself or others this has potential to be super frustrating and I bet most of us are guilty and doing what we want to do regardless of the warning signs that have be given to us.

Have you ever stopped in the middle of such aggravation and realized that the purpose of the no u-turn sign is to protect and provide for you a safe way to travel?  They are usually put up in places where making a u-turn jeopardizes your safety and the safety those around you.  

Even though I have gotten a lot better:  Those moments when I am lost, missed my turn, don’t know where I am going, or simply in a hurry and a no u-turn sign reminds me of my faults.  I realize, I have a choice to make, will I obey the warning sign or will I push the limits because what I need is the only thing that really matters?

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