Previous Episode: Episode 51: @Sac_Snark

Jennifer Snyder stopped by for Episode 52! On top of being a free-lance writer and a consultant, Jennifer is the host of Creating Your Own Path, a podcast featuring interviews with “inspiring individuals and change-makers from various creative industries.” We chatted about

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Jennifer Snyder of Creating Your Own Path

Jennifer Snyder stopped by for Episode 52!

On top of being a free-lance writer and a consultant, Jennifer is the host of Creating Your Own Path, a podcast featuring interviews with “inspiring individuals and change-makers from various creative industries.”

We chatted about her beginnings with getting Concert In The Park on Myspace; finding the silver lining in a business that failed; how to find the perfect pet through the pet version of Tinder; and how our dogs voices sound.

Be sure to follow Jennifer Snyder. Creating Your Own Path is also available on Stitcher and iTunes.

Thanks for listening to my conversation with Jennifer Snyder!

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 52: Jennifer Snyder appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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