@Sac_Snark, @Flizabeth_W, and @MullingHagel, the funniest, wittiest, most sarcastic Tweeters keeping Sacramento in check, stopped by for Episode 51! We learn that @Flizabeth_W uses “vagina” a lot, how being a creep can gain you more followers, why @Sac_Snark is anti-scars,

The post Episode 51: @Sac_Snark appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

@Sac_Snark, @Flizabeth_W, and @MullingHagel, the funniest, wittiest, most sarcastic Tweeters keeping Sacramento in check, stopped by for Episode 51!

@Sac_Snark, @Flizabeth_W, & @MullingHagel

We learn that @Flizabeth_W uses “vagina” a lot, how being a creep can gain you more followers, why @Sac_Snark is anti-scars, just what the hell a “Brompton” is, why you want to avoid Sydney, Australia, and if humans have the smallest “T.D.”.

Thanks for stopping by and listening!


Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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