Milo Fitch is the guest for Episode 153. Fitch is a candidate in the upcoming June 5 election for the position of Sheriff of Sacramento County. Milo Fitch served for 33 years in the Sheriff’s department, starting as a patrol

The post Episode 153: Milo Fitch appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Milo Fitch is the guest for Episode 153. Fitch is a candidate in the upcoming June 5 election for the position of Sheriff of Sacramento County. Milo Fitch served for 33 years in the Sheriff’s department, starting as a patrol deputy and working his way up the ranks to Chief Deputy, where he oversaw all the county’s correctional facilities.

Milo Fitch and I discuss why he became an officer of the law; why he felt it was needed for him to run for Sheriff of Sacramento County; why he feels the incumbent Sheriff’s interactions with Tanya Faisan of Black Lives Matter and other minority community has caused further divide amongst law enforcement and the public they serve; why reform programs are needed at the County prisons to help stop the recidivism that convicts experience; why he wants to change the thinking of law enforcement from a Warrior-mentality to a Guardian-mentality; how Restorative Justice can help reduce crime and relieve the overburden our prison and judicial systems are experiencing; why mental health care reform is needed to help both the public and the law enforcement community; and why bail reform is needed to end the practice of unnecessarily pleading guilty when the accused are standing trial.

Milo Fitch, fourth from left.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Milo Fitch. Be sure to go to Fitch’s website for information on his policies and experience by clicking here along with his Facebook and Twitter accounts for more updates.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 153: Milo Fitch appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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