Jeremy Winslow stopped by to chat for Episode 152. Jeremy is a cofounder of GroundPunch and is a writer and gamer who likes to intersect the two passions of his. Jeremy and I discuss making lemonade out of college lemons;

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Jeremy Winslow stopped by to chat for Episode 152. Jeremy is a cofounder of GroundPunch and is a writer and gamer who likes to intersect the two passions of his.

Jeremy and I discuss making lemonade out of college lemons; why his writing blends social issues through the lens of gaming; two guys ruminating on how children should be raised (when neither of them have children); why he strives to share the emotional connection that video games can create; why gaming is part of the world of art through storytelling and visual design; why the character of Marcus Holloway made such a personal connection for Jeremy; the disheartening realization that nerds can be some of the most racist and misogynistic people in society; the experience of one young black man in America; how gaming holds a mirror up to our society, and why he cofounded the website GroundPunch.

Jeremy Winslow

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Jeremy Winslow. Be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to follow Jeremey Winslow’s writing on GroundPunch, Slant Magazine, and at his personal blog Not Finished.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 152: Jeremy Winslow appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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