Not only is this the 150th episode of the show, it is also the Season 4 Finale. I am closing out the season with Buck Busfield, the Co-Founder and Producing Artistic Director for B Street Theatre. Buck Busfield and I

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Not only is this the 150th episode of the show, it is also the Season 4 Finale. I am closing out the season with Buck Busfield, the Co-Founder and Producing Artistic Director for B Street Theatre.

Buck Busfield and I chat about why you don’t mess with Oreos while playing poker; how our current President’s policies may impact the Arts; why theater can be its own worst enemy; the lure of the family business that drew Buck and his brother, actor Tim Busfield, into it; why we are being born with a dream but no aptitude make that dream real; what acting productions are looking for in a performer the moment someone walks into an audition; how his brother’s dream of a touring children’s theater lead to the creation of the B Street Theatre; why everyone involved with the B Street Theatre is expected to treat all productions seriously, be it for children or adults; why you jack with the audience and why they want to be jacked with; and the future of B Street Theatre as it moves into its new home, The Sofia, which has been in the plans for 12 years.

Thank you for listening, Listener, and thank you for sharing, Sharer, to my conversation with Buck Busfield. Be sure to follow the B Street Theatre on Facebook, Twitter, and their website (by clicking here).

I’m participating in the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride 2017. Please make a donation to sponsor my ride to help raise funds for Prostate Cancer research and for suicide prevention by clicking here.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 150: Buck Busfield appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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