Previous Episode: Episode 148: Bree Aea

Today I’m chatting with musician Anton Barbeau for Episode 149. In addition to his own music, he worked with Allyson Seconds on her recent solo album (Episode 127). Anton and I chat about the bevy of rock stars that live

The post Episode 149: Anton Barbeau appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Today I’m chatting with musician Anton Barbeau for Episode 149. In addition to his own music, he worked with Allyson Seconds on her recent solo album (Episode 127).

Anton and I chat about the bevy of rock stars that live in Nevada City, like Jonathan Richmond; playing The Cattle Club with his old band Anton Barbeau and The Joy Boys with the likes of a sweater-wearing band; how a childhood fascination with magic blossomed into a career in showmanship; the process artists and musicians go through for creation; the love of sound and finding the structure for it; how the Stairway to Stardom through Skip’s Music helped him grow as a musician; why owning drumsticks does not a drummer make; and why physical forms of music are just as important as the music itself.

Anton Barbeau at the piano

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Anton Barbeau. Be sure to follow Anton Barbeau on Twitter, Facebook, or his website by clicking here.

I’m participating in the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride 2017. Please make a donation to sponsor my ride to help raise funds for Prostate Cancer research and for suicide prevention by clicking here.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 149: Anton Barbeau appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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