How to choose a mentor that fits you? Andy tells us how to look for a mentor that you would want to emulate.

In this video, Andy looks back at his beginnings. He narrates how his goal to move out of his hometown made him look for ways to make money in order to achieve this goal. When someone hired him despite his age and lack of experience, it fueled his desire to continue working towards his goal of moving to the other side of the country. His life began to change when he believed that he could have his cell phone store and using the management and leadership training that he had, he was able to pull it off and make it successful earning his 1st million and building his own team. 

All these accomplishments happened because Andy got the right mentor. He acknowledged people who were higher in the ladder than he was and used their insights to improve himself. He was able to grow a successful business by creating a system and becoming a mentor for others. 

Andy talks about having goals, recognizing your progress, and acknowledging your successes are key to success. He encourages us to continue working and improving because when we do, we will impact lives along the way.


You will learn:

How to pick a mentor
How to be successful
The importance of goals
The key to a successful business
The importance of recognizing your progress

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