In this episode, Ecodan’s Russell Dean is in conversation with Architect and Ecodan Ambassador George Clarke, Cala Homes’ Product Design Manager, Stephen Kelso, and Martin Fahey, Head of Sustainability at Mitsubishi Electric. Stephen explains how building standards differ between England and Scotland, and how Cala is trialling new technologies, such as air source heat pumps, ahead of regulation changes. Martin and George share their views on our collective journey towards net zero carbon, the importance of embodied vs operational carbon, and discuss what sustainability will look like in the future using new eco-materials. The group discusses how closer construction industry and supplier collaboration coupled with education will play a vital role in meeting the UK's decarbonisation challenges.

This episode was recorded on the 6th of September 2022.

01:10 / Cala Homes introduction
02:37 / Building standards in Scotland
04:00 / Hybrid heat pumps as a stepping-stone
08:20 / Cala Homes and Part L Regulations
11:00 Changing the building mindset
17:00 / Zero, net or low carbon for 2050?
21:00 / The scale of change for heating
23:30 / Embodied carbon 
25:00 / Working together as an industry
30:00 / Eco-materials & bio-architecture
36:25 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
36:49 / Cala Homes customers
40:00 / Graduates spearheading sustainability
47:45 / Collaboration and education
53:15 / The retrofit challenge
1:01:00 / Challenges for Cala Homes
1:03:00 / Challenges for Mitsubishi Electric