In episode one, I am truly delighted to be joined by Susan Scrupski, who is CEO and Founder, Big Mountain Data. We discuss her work during the dawn of the Enterprise2.0 movement, how she came to found the Adoption Council and Change Agents Worldwide, and how she is now applying her talents and vision alongside Big Data to help impact the area of Domestic Violence.

Stuart is joined by Susan Scrupski, who is CEO and Founder, Big Mountain Data.

Susan has been a writer, an analyst, and an IT entrepreneur for over 30 years. Named as one of Fast Company’s “Most Influential Women in Technology,” her insights have been featured in industry research, as well as mainstream media such as The New York Times, Businessweek, The Wall Street Journal, and CNBC. Her interests are in disruptive applications of technology and the consumerization of IT. Susan participates on various industry conference boards, blogs for Huffington Post, and devotes her time to introducing disruptive technologies and new processes to combat the social epidemic of domestic violence and abuse. You can find Susan on LinkedIn, Twitter, G+. Her complete social footprint is available on her profile.


Susan's blog
Web2.0 movement
Andrew McAfee - Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration
Early influencers and collaborators: JP Rangaswami Andrew McAfee, Ross Mayfield, Stowe Boyd, Euan
, Dion Hinchcliffe and Lee Bryant
Enterprise 2.0 Conference
The 2.0 Adoption Council
Detractors (Dennis Howlett) and evangelists (Luis Suarez)
Change Agents Worldwide, now owned and chaired by Simon Terry
Aaron Swatz
Big Mountain Data, developing data science solutions to help in the fight against family abuse and violence
Domestic Violence: The Secret Killer That Costs $8.3 Billion Annually
BMD partners: [Jive Software], SAP, Sungard Public Sector, Salesforce
Transparency is the antidote to a social epidemic that thrives on secrecy
Follow Susan on Twitter or google her

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