When Ed and his partners realized that Gacovino Lake Law Firm was rapidly growing, they began troubleshooting how to handle critical operations to make sure his staff was not overwhelmed by the influx of business. Ed and his partners realized all client communication began with the phones. They came up with a solution that would streamline incoming and outbound client calls: an in-house Interactive Voice Response system (IVR). In this episode, Ed walks host Alex Valencia through the trials and tribulations of starting Persist Communications and how the company was able to develop a voice response system that helped both their own growing law firm as well as law firms around the globe. 

Ed shares how his past challenges have made him into the business man he is today. After graduating law school during a recession and losing the job he had lined up at his father’s bankrupt company, Ed had to build his career from the ground up. Ed tells his favorite story about meeting a man at a car wash that looked successful and asking if he knew of any work in Ed’s field. The man responded positively, and Ed was rewarded with a job from that interaction. From there on, Ed was able to become a successful businessman from the connections he made and the hard work put into his career. All of these life lessons led to Ed designing the IVR and founding and co-founding two successful companies. 

Tune into this week’s episode of the We Do Marketing Hour podcast for a conversation with Ed Lake. Learn more about what an Interactive Voice Response system does, how to overcome career-based struggles, and why it is so important to trust your lawyers. 



• “This application was used to determine whether the person answering the outgoing call made by the dialer was a live person, or a voicemail. And that was important.” (0:05:48-0:06:00) 

• “So, Persist Communications allows me to be more efficient, it allows me to reduce my costs, as a client to be happier allows me to retain more clients, and hopefully other people agree.” (31:40-31:40) 

• “It's very easy to do business with people when everything goes right.” (34:32-34:37) 

• “All I can say is, would you rather have somebody on your side who's been educated, or not? Many lawyers become lawyers, because they can make a big hit. I'm not going to deny that.” (1:01:38-1:02:01) 



For a FREE 1:1 consultation with Alex please visit: https://calendly.com/wdwc-alex/15min?month=2021-06 

Link with Alex on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wedowebcontent/


For guest speaker and topic requests, please send all inquiries to We Do Web Content’s Director of Marketing Dina Davis, at [email protected]