We had the pleasure of having Rick Thompson join us on Sense of Soul Podcast. Rick is an engineer and CEO in the cement and steel industry and is recognized as a leading authority on post-tensioning procedures working with big-tech clients such as Microsoft and Google.

Rick has been infatuated with science, math, and the workings of the world since childhood. He is highly skilled at defining objectives, assessing requirements, and resolving problems, on and off the work field. 

He is the author of the book the Quantum Mindset in a Nutshell, a guided program that provides you with a tested nuts-and-bolts method for entering the quantum mindset and tapping heightened tools for manifesting your deepest dreams. His practical approach to business, life, and science is what makes this book special and very digestible for the average reader.

You can manifest faster using Rick’s favorite videos, 
audio programs, and guided meditations found here on his website along with links to order his book now!


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