Previous Episode: Mindful Sex
Next Episode: Be a Spiritual Badass

Join us as we chat with the host of “That’s Myrony” podcast, Alysha Myronuk, with divine timing on 2/22! 

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the fun new word of myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy 
coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain and is also another word for sign/synchronicity.

Her life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that very painful chronic condition along with many other life challenges including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, suicide thoughts/attempt, alcohol/prescription drug abuse/addiction and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35.  Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”.  

She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast along with her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony”. Mentoring where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through Intuitive Sessions she calls “Unlock Your Blocks” which helps release what they need to move forward and create the life they truly desire all with a little myrony!

She is gifting the first 10 Sense of Soul Listeners who sign up below a 1 hour Intuitive Session!!  So if you are feeling stuck & would like to uncover some of your blocks & maybe even discover the name for your inner superpower then please click the link below!!  Just make sure when you sign up mention you heard about this gift on SOS :) 

To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on 
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That’s Myrony Facebook Page:
“That’s Myrony” Facebook Group:
To learn more about Alysha or to follow on Social Media, you can find her on:


(Shanna had CoVid-19 during this episode and sounds like a robot!)

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