Are you sick of being sick? If you said yes, this episode is for you!
Joining Sense of Soul today is Sabrina Dvorak, Nurse Practitioner, Health Coach and founder of Evolution Health Consulting, a holistic evidence-based approach to healthcare with functional medicine. 

Sabrina had a dream to evolve healthcare from a "sick care" model to an individualized, patient-centered model. She believes its more than just treating the symptom. Investigating deeper, discovering the root of the problem, the underlying causes.

Mande and Shanna relate, both having experienced the many diagnosis’s that lead to a bag full of prescriptions, years ago, part of their journey they both speak about often.

Evolution Health Consulting, is done via telemedicine, many of it’s testing can be sent to your home. 

Supported by a highly experienced team, you can be on your way to good health, with a deeper understanding of your the health of your mind, body and soul. Freedom and control over your treatment plans, that are customized and personalized for you!

Check out below, Evolution Health Consulting! A Functional Medicine Company Health Coaching, Employee COVID-19 Testing, Immune System Testing. Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Consultation Now!

EHC Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
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