Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Michael Lennox he is a psychologist, astrologer, expert in dreams and dream interpretation, podcast host, and the author of several books, including his newest book, Psychic Dreamer: Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and Intuition.
He conducts classes on shadow work, self investigation, spiritual practice, and of course, astrology, in a worldwide practice based in Southern California. 
He is the host of Conscious Embodiment where he talks about the astrology of the week and helps listeners decipher their dreams. You can also tune in on to his YouTube channel like I do where he shares his expertise and has attracted a global audience, regularly sharing his insights including his daily astrological reading segment “Red Robe Astrology”. Dr. Michael has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award-winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady show and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds.

For astrology classes, dream circles, daily astrology and more visit his website: