Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have author Renee Linnell, former surf model, professional Argentine Tango dancer, and a serial entrepreneur with an Executive Masters in Business Administration from New York University. Renee made her publishing debut in 2018 with her book, The Burn Zone, a memoir of her experience as a cult survivor. She joined us to share her newly now  published book, Still on Fire: A Memoir. 

In her first book, The Burn Zone was an exploration of what happens when we don’t listen to our Inner Guidance, Still on Fire is an exposition of what happens when we do. Renee courageously takes leap after leap into the unknown, picks up the pieces after being shattered, or recounts hilarious attempts to regain her mojo, you will see yourself in her stories. You will remember it is not only okay, but necessary to try and fail. And your heart will lift as you become reminded of a deep Truth you have always known but may have forgotten along the way—life is magic and anything is possible.

You can order Renee’s to amazing books, wherever books are sold, visit her website and follow her on social media.

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