We welcomed Daniel Gefen,  CEO of Gefen Media Group a booking service that helps inspiring authors sell more books by getting them booked as guests on relevant podcasts. Daniel recently created a successful and easy to use podcast booking online platform called Podbooker, where you can connect by creating a guest or podcast profile.

He is a best selling author of The Self Help Addict and the host of NOW two podcast “Can I pick your Brain” and “Grow your Show”, a new podcast about how others made their podcast a success.

Daniel has been putting his energy into finding ways to help authors rise up, becoming bestsellers by connecting them with amazing podcast like Sense of Soul. He has blessed our podcast with amazing guest like Dr Hassan Tettah, Randy Haveson and Nate Novasal.

Join us and listen to Daniel’s motivational story of his journey!

Top-Rated Host: www.danielgefen.com

Bestselling Author: The Self Help Addict

Host Relationship Manager: Gefen Media Group


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