Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have an out of this world episode with Jiulio Consiglio. He is a Spiritual Teacher and author of Challenge Your Thoughts, The Healing Frequency, Cosmic Contact and Open Your Third Eye. Jiulio‘s message is that there is life beyond fear and incessant thinking his writings and  teachings focus on the transformative power of  inner stillness, the quantum field, psychic abilities development and the mind-body connection. 

Following several personal adversities, Jiulio at the age of 33, experienced an unfathomable and life-altering spiritual transformation that resulted in the transcendence of the conditioned mind. 

He found that there is purpose in suffering, that we do not live in a universe of random events or chaos, but one of infinite intelligence. The challenges we face are in fact orchestrated by our highest selves to create the desire to shift and evolve into higher states of consciousness. There is a level of awareness beyond thought, and it is stillness. That we have been conditioned to believe that the thinking mind is all there is, that it is who we are. But that the direct experience of inner stillness teaches us that we are much, much more than the ego that we are eternal beings having a human experience.

Learn more at his website, grab one of his amazing books and follow his experience on his social media!

Visit his website:

His books: Challenge Your Thoughts, The Healing Frequency, Cosmic Contact and Open Your Third Eye

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