Today on Sense of Soul podcast is Janine Lowe. She is UK’s leading Chinese Astrologist and Feng Shui Expert. She is also an author Janine is an author and writes books about Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui and is joining us today to share with us her new book, Date Love Marry Avoid; Find your Soulmate.
Janine is a classically trained Feng Shui consultant since 2006 in the arts of Bazi, Flying Stars, Auspicious Dates, Qi Men Dun Jia and I Ching; having received training from notable teacher Joey Yap. She has an impressive client base ranging from individuals seeking personal growth to multi-million-pound corporations aiming to optimise their prosperity. She uses Chinese Metaphysic’s to achieve her clients’ goals and has over 300,000 social media followers. Janine also teaches people to become Feng Shui Consultants globally, link on how to learn more below.

Visit her website at

Janine talks about 2024

Follow her journey and join her Facebook group! @JanineLowe

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