On the things that Matt & Phil enjoy: the long lunch during a round of golf, classic SNES games, poutine and late night walks that include other podcasts talking about the show. Matt’s baby can recognize faces, so she’ll quickly figure out what the fed-up face from buying diapers from Walmart is. Bye-Bye Markov and hello to hockey talk. Afterall, it is already the end of July.  

Generations & Kinship Ties (15:35)

The concept of generations has provided a convenient way to group people together. Which generation do you fall in and, what happens if you don’t feel like you fit with the rest of the group? We explore the social and cultural contours of the concept and take aim at making it feel strange. Who says generations also says family, so we take the opportunity to explore the ins and outs of kinship.

Suggested Reading

Dan Woodman on the xennial generation: http://www.mamamia.com.au/xennial-generation/ & http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/06/28/xennials_a_23006562/

Generational theory from Strauss & Howe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory#Works

On the Sixtiers generation from Russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixtiers

Herbert Spencer on kinship: http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/spencer-the-principles-of-sociology-3-vols-1898

Recommendations (56:28)

Matt recommends Mao: The Untold Story by Jung Chang & Jon Halliday (2006, Anchor Books)

Phil recommends white clover seed from Gloco.

Concluding thought: "The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurent. Every table had an argument going" -George Carlin 

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Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah
Available at: http://www.cullah.com
Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

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