How can sales leaders like you learn how to cultivate a growth mindset? What steps can you take that will help you to identify, adjust, and adapt your mindset so you are on track for success? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from sales and growth expert Steve Nudelberg. Steve is an author, sales trainer, consultant, keynote speaker, and serial salesman and entrepreneur. He created On the Ball – a company that invests time and talent in emerging businesses and corporate teams to help them grow. Steve’s 27 core Leadership Rules of Engagement within his book, “Confessions of a Serial Salesman” have been developed over decades of corporate and entrepreneurial leadership endeavors. Don’t miss this episode as Steve reveals some of those helpful lessons from his book and how you can start to develop a growth mindset today!

The early bird gets the… sale?

Can consistently getting up early every morning really make that much a difference in a salesperson's productivity? While getting up early might not be for every salesperson or leader, finding a rhythm that you can focus on and practice each and every day is key to developing a growth mindset. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Steve opens up about his daily habits and how he discovered the power in consistency and getting up early each day. Don’t buy the excuse that everyone comes up with, “I don’t have enough time.” It’s up to you to make the time and start to develop a habit today that will help you succeed tomorrow. Get more great lessons from Steve by listening to this episode!

Tell me something GOOD!

What if there was ONE phrase that you could use each day that would position you for growth and success? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Steve goes over a key practice that will help you adopt a growth mindset and start making important connections today. According to Steve, it all comes down to how you begin a conversation. Most people start with “How are you doing today?” or some other variation of that question. Steve explains that there is an emotional and psychological power that you can unleash by changing that typical and boring question to “Tell me something good.” When you make this subtle shift, you are communicating that you are a person who is positive and open to hearing about the good things going on in the individual’s life. Make sure to listen to THIS episode to hear more from Steve and how you can use this great opening to your advantage.

A good salesperson always Smiles!

Do you realize that we communicate a significant portion of our attitude, thoughts, and emotions through our non-verbal cues? Imagine as you begin a conversation with someone that part of the way through the conversation, they begin to scroll through their phone. They didn’t say that they weren’t interested in what you had to say but what are they communicating with their actions? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear how one simple change to your nonverbal cues can have a huge impact on how people perceive you. Pulling from his years of sales experience, Steve shares how focusing on presenting a smile can go a long way in communicating that you are friendly, trustworthy, honest, and pleasant. It sounds like a small change but imagine how you would feel going into a meeting with people who aren't’ smiling compared to one where people are smiling? Doesn’t the smiling group sound like a better place to start? Go deeper with this topic and much more from Steve on this episode!

Make Your Network WORK for You!

There are many people in the sales industry who are convinced that cold calling is dead. In the age of LinkedIn is there a better way to make connections that add value rather than get in the way? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Steve unpacks a crucial lesson that will help you adopt a growth mindset and connect with influencers and clients in a meaningful way. Steve’s approach is built on growing your network and using it to make natural connections. Instead of cold calling a prospective client, take the time to do research and see if you can connect or build a connection that will come across as natural. Do you have common connections with this person? Common interests? Are there people who are just a few degrees away from the person you need to connect with? Check LinkedIn and put your network to work. Get more great insights that will help you succeed on this episode!

Outline of This Episode [1:00] I introduce my guest, Steve Nudelberg. [2:00] Steve’s story, the cliff notes version. [9:00] What caused Steve to write his book? [11:00] The power of consistency and getting up early. [17:00] Tell me something good! [27:30] Don’t forget to SMILE! [35:00] STOP focusing all your energy on the close! [37:00] Is cold calling still effective? [40:00] Leverage your connections for a scheduled meeting. Resources Mentioned BOOK: Confessions of a Serial Salesman BOOK: The Tipping Point Vistage Rufus MUSIC: Uptown Funk MUSIC: Thunderstruck MOVIE: The Godfather MOVIE: Goodfellas MOVIE: A Bronx Tale MOVIE: Swingers MOVIE: On the Waterfront   Connect with Mario! On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn

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