If you are a salesperson you likely have heard much about writing thought leadership content, salespeople should blog, sales should demonstrate industry expertise through writing. The question is, is it really worth your time and energy to invest in content creation? Can content creation help you explode sales or can you get away with content curation? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from content creator extraordinaire, sales leader and salesperson himself, Daniel Disney. With over 150,000+ followers and content reaching over 7,000,000 people every month, Daniel Disney is the Founder and Owner of The Daily Sales and author of one of the world's leading sales blogs. Bringing traditional selling together with social selling Daniel is on a mission to help businesses and salespeople revolutionize the way they sell. I can’t wait for you to learn how Daniel went from relative obscurity a few years ago to become an influential thought leaders in the sales industry today! Make sure you carve out some time for this powerful episode!

Launching a Personal Brand

How can you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry? What would it take for your personal brand to really catch on and make an impact? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Daniel as he shares his story of dabbling with content creation which led to launching his personal brand. It all goes back to Daniel trying to imitate his sales heroes like Tony J. Hughes and Anthony Iannarino. He saw both of these leaders writing blogs and turning out high-quality content so he decided to try his hand at it and it soon took off! From that moment on, Daniel has been able to craft an awesome presence and personal brand in the sales industry. Don't miss more great insight from Daniel, listen to this episode!

Content Creation OR Content Curation?

If given the choice between content creation and content curation, my guest, Daniel says to choose content creation every time! What is so great about content creation? Daniel is convinced that focusing on content creation can better position you, as a salesperson to connect with your clients and influencers in a meaningful way. Through your content, your audience gets the chance to see first hand what type of person you are. It can be a very POWERFUL advantage. But, if you can’t focus on content creation, don’t despair! Daniel still believes that thoughtful and precise content curation can have a similar effect. Don’t miss the chance to hear Daniel go further with this topic on this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

Content that REALLY Connects

One of the most important lessons around content creation is creating material that really connects with your buyers. Our social networks are saturated with so many different types of content, how can YOU cut through the clutter? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Daniel opens up about the story behind why he started The Daily Sales. It all circles back to content engagement, Daniel LOVES to create content that is valuable and worthwhile but more importantly, he wants to create content that CONNECTS. When Daniel discovered that he was able to get more audience engagement out of ONE meme than a blog post that could take hours to create, he knew he was onto something unique. Daniel has TONS of great lessons like this one, listen to this episode to hear him expand on this story and so much more!

Leveraging Content Creation for YOUR Team

As a good leader, you will go out of your way to help your team accomplish their goals. Often this means giving them books you have found helpful, sending them to conferences, and spending countless hours coaching them directly. What if you could cut through all of that and help them learn what they need to know more effectively? Don’t JUST think of content creation as a way to connect with influencers and clients, you can leverage your content creating abilities to rally, educate, and inspire your team. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Daniel as he explains how leaders like YOU can leverage content creation to lead your team - you don’t want to miss it!

Outline of This Episode [0:55] I introduce my guest, Daniel Disney. [2:00] Daniel tells his story, the cliff notes version. [4:00] Why did Daniel get involved with writing and content creation? [6:30] The benefit of content creation. [11:30] How Daniel uses blogging to coach and train his sales team. [14:00] Daniel’s rise to become a leading voice in the sales community. [19:30] If your sales leaders don't create content, they need to curtate it! [23:00] The story behind Daniel’s use of memes. [25:00] What type of content really “belongs” on LinkedIn anyway? [30:00] Content creation and personal branding. Resources Mentioned www.linkedin.com/in/danieldisney www.facebook.com/thedandisney www.twitter.com/DanielDisney86 The Daily Sales LinkedIn www.thedailysales.net One Mob Tony J Hughes Anthony Iannarino My LinkedIn Post Dumb and Dumber Jurassic Park Connect with Mario! www.vengreso.com On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn


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